
Night in the Lonesome October

Primary LanguageGnuplot

To install on Ubuntu, run the following:
sudo apt-get install python-pygame python-shapely

To install on Windows, download and install the following:
 Python 2.7: http://python.org/download
 PyGame 1.9: http://pygame.org/download.shtml
Shapely 1.2: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Shapely#downloads

To run:
python Night.py Game.txt

The options and control keys are printed at start.

Open algorithm dicsussion, a year before (in Russian): http://forum.rpg.ru/index.php?showtopic=112184

More information (in Russian): http://jolaf.livejournal.com/553516.htlm

-- Moved from https://code.google.com/p/nitlo