
SDL2 Backend for McCLIM

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


A DEPRECATED unofficial, experimental SDL2 backend for McCLIM.

  • Update: 2022-09-01 Daniel Kochmański has created an official sdl2 backend in the McCLIM repository. It’s in the backend-sdl2 branch. This project is now deprecated and I’m only using it for personal experiments.
  • 2022-08-19 A note from Joel Boehland (jolby).

This is an attempt to build on the work of Elias Mårtenson in the sdl-test branch of the McCLIM repository and the documentation for creating backend by the primary maintainer of McCLIM, Daniel Kochmański (jackdaniel). I am also doing this for my own curiosity and education to get a deeper understanding of CLIM and how it is implemented.


Daniel Kochmański has published a number of tutorials and guides explaining the different parts and roles of the components in a CLIM backend implementation. In addition, he has recently reshaped the codebase to make these roles more clear and easier for a new backend to be implemented.