
Rust implementation of the gSpan algorithm

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

gSpan - RUST Implementation

gSpan is an algorithm for finding frequent (sub-)graphs in a graph database. This Rust implementation is based on the gSpan.java implementation by TonyZZX. The purpose of this reimplementation is the very fast performance of Rust to further improve the performance. For details on the gSpan algorithm, we refer to the original work by Xifeng Yan: gSpan.





Download the latest Release.

Input graph database

Provide a plain text file with the graph database:

  • t-line: Begin of a new graph
    • Format t # i -> i
  • v-line: Definition of a vertex
    • Format v i l -> i (int): index of the vertex inside the graph; l (int): label of the vertex
  • e-line: Definition of an edge
    • Format e v1 v2 l-> v1 (int): index of the from-vertex of the graph; v2 (int): index of the to-vertex of the graph; l (int): label of the edge


t # 0
v 0 1
v 1 2
v 2 3
v 3 4
v 4 5
e 0 1 1
e 0 2 1
e 1 3 1
e 2 3 1
e 3 4 1
t # 1
v 0 1
v 1 2
v 2 3
v 3 4
v 4 5
e 0 1 1
e 0 2 1
e 1 3 1
e 2 3 1
e 3 4 1

or see test for a large graph database.

Run gSpan

./gspan --input test --support 100 --min-vertices 1 --max-vertices 10 --directed

Get help:

./gspan --help
Usage: gspan [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT>

  -i, --input <INPUT>                Input file with the graph database
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>              Output file for the resulting subgraphs [default: out.txt]
  -s, --support <SUPPORT>            Min support [default: 2]
      --min-vertices <MIN_VERTICES>  Minimum number of vertices [default: 1]
      --max-vertices <MAX_VERTICES>  Maximum number of vertices [default: 10]
  -d, --directed                     The graphs are directed
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version      

Performance tests


Dev & Build

Install rustup (cargo) and run:

RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo build --release --all-features && cp target/release/gspan .