
AWS CloudFormation to create a unique bucket with lifecycle in every region

Primary LanguageMakefileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


AWS CloudFormation to create a unique bucket with lifecycle in every region.


This is a CloudFormation template to create a uniquely named bucket with a very aggressive lifecycle policy. The template is deployed to every region via AWS CloudFormation StackSets. There is an additional "helper" template to setup the required StackSet IAM Roles, I chose us-east-2 for my "Control Plane" for this repo.


Up until now, I used a unique but artisanally named bucket as a lambda zip file artifact storage location. This bucket must be in the region that the lambda function is in. After I confirmed that the artifact is only needed in the customer managed bucket until the function is deployed (ie, minutes or some other not very long value), I decided that I could automate this and avoid clicking in the AWS Console.


A unique but similar named bucket in every region of this form: lambda-artifacts-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region} that expires objects after one day. Now I know a definitive artifact storage location for my projects.


When the bucket(s) have some objects in them for a day, there will be the normal S3 Storage Costs. Otherwise some small fraction of a penny because things like the AWS Cost Explorer does List operations on empty buckets. Sidenote: I like how the billing observation system will make you incur charges so that you know how much you owe. 😐