
KiiCloud command line tools in golang

Primary LanguageGo



go get github.com/tmtk75/kii-cli/cmd/kii-cli


Download binary from https://github.com/tmtk75/kii-cli/releases

Getting Started

Create config file in ~/.kii/config as follow.

app_id = aaaaa...
app_key = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...
client_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
client_secret = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...
site = us

First, login to get your app admin access token. If you encounter an error message, please make sure your credentials in default section of ~/.kii/config.

kii-cli auth login

OK, you're ready to run kii-cli. Try log subcommand.

kii-cli log

You might not see any outputs, in the case, type next.

echo "function main(params, ctx) {}" > foobar
kii-cli servercode deploy foobar

Then try log again and you can see a line that showed you deployed a servercode.

kii-cli log
2015-01-08T23:14:52.229Z [INFO] servercode.file.deploy description:Server Code File deployed data-type:application/javascript versionID:efag40m0pxqyzxi7zkkftw3d1



   kii-cli - KiiCloud command line interface

   kii-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   auth         Authentication
   app          Application management
   log          Disply logs for an app
   servercode   Server code management
   user         User management
   bucket       Bucket management
   object       Object management
   dev          Development support
   profile      Profile management
   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command
   --app-id                  AppID
   --app-key                 AppKey
   --client-id               ClientID
   --client-secret           ClientSecret
   --token                   Token to be used
   --site                    us,jp,cn,sg
   --endpoint-url            Site URL
   --log-url                 Log URL
   --verbose                 Verbosely
   --profile, -p 'default'   Profile name for ~/.kii/config
   --profile-path            Profile path instead of ~/.kii/config
   --curl                    Print curl command saving body as a tmp file if body exists
   --suppress-exit           Suppress exit with 1 when receiving status code other than 2xx
   --http-proxy              HTTP proxy URL to be used
   --disable-http-proxy      Disable HTTP proxy in your profile
   --use-utc                 Format time in UTC
   --help, -h                show help
   --version, -v             print the version

And supports flat-style subcommands.

FLAT=1 kii-cil
   auth:login                   Login as AppAdmin
   auth:info                    Print login info
   app:config                   Print config of app
   log                          Disply logs for an app
   servercode:list              List versions of server code
   servercode:deploy            Deploy a server code
   servercode:get               Get specified server code