Okada implementation in Python
This is a python implementation of the solution proposed by Okada in 1992. Please cite:
Okada, Y. (1992), Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 82(2), 1018–1040.
This installation requires meson. Install meson and meson-python first (check it out with pip).
meson setup builddir --prefix /My/complete/path/to/the/install/dir
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir
Then update your PYTHONPATH variable to have it visible for python. In your .bashrc, it would look like : export PYTHONPATH=/My/complete/path/to/the/install/dir:$PYTHONPATH
and I am too lazy to find out how to install this in the root of python (it does not work yet for me)