Welcome to your Bun CDK TypeScript project 🍔

This is the Bun 💨 for your AWS CDK development ☁️ with Bun and TypeScript. Read on how built this project.

What are the Fillings 🥟


NOTE: Please, no global CDK --> npm remove -g cdk. Check out why!

Why Bun?

  • Bun is a swiss army knife for all your Typescript projects.
  • Bun has its own Bundler which doesn't care if you use ESM or CJS
  • Bun has its own Testing library
  • Bun has its own Runtime to execute Typescript, and Javascript files without transpiling them

CDK Diff

The difference here is:

  • Remove Jest and use bun test vitest
  • Replace npx with bun- commands
  • Bun as Package Manager
  • Added Eslint
  • Use Monorepo

Useful commands

  • bun build emits the synthesized CloudFormation template or bun cdk synth
  • bun watch watch for changes and compile
  • bun run test perform the vitest unit tests (NOTE: bun test would run the bun test instead of vitest)
  • bun cdk deploy:all deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
    • Use AWS_PROFILE=my-profile bun cdk deploy:all when deploying using an profile
    • Use bun cdk:only when deploying a single Stack (default is BunFunStack)
    • Use STACK=MyCustomStack bun cdk:only when deploying a single MyCustomStack Stack
  • bun cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • bun cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template


  • Sometimes the first time you hit any bun deploy, you may encounter an error. Just run it again. Maybe bun is too quick for AWS CLI, I have no idea why that happen 🤷‍♂️