
A handy (and very barebones) environment to edit the schema of your Agent instance.

Primary LanguageShell

Agent Admin Tools

This repository provides a handy (and very barebones) environment to modify the schema of your Agent instance.

The schema of the agent consists of the relatively static parts that support SSI operations, such as templates and personas.


  1. clone this directory and open it in vscode
  2. install v0.14.2 of the "Even Better TOML" vscode extension. It's important that this version is used. the latest version (0.19.0 as of writing) has a bug that means completions don't work.


Step 1

Write a schema mutation in the ./playground.toml using a TOML based DSL. e.g.

name = "MyPersona"
config.type = "sdk2"

uuid = "TestTemplate"
type = "TestTemplate"
name = "my template"
description = "this is a test template"
personaName = "MyPersona"
validityInDays = 1
credentialRenderType = "document"
claimsProperties = [
    {name = "givenName", type = "text"},
    {name = "dob", type = "text"}

The toml extension should provide toml validation, syntax highlighting and completion for the DSL. For more explanation of the DSL see here

Step 2

Apply your schema mutation to your agent instance:

./updateSchema <BEARER_TOKEN> <AGENT_URL>

This will update the schema of the agent according to the statements in the DSL. For more explanation and detailed usage of the update schema script see here


The Agent supports a few ways to mutate its schema, however the tools in this repository promote the use of the latest (and my favourite) approach. This approach utilises schema mutations written in a TOML based DSL. TOML was chosen because it was easy to implement and offers a decent experience, however the ideal future implementation of this concept would probably be a custom language.

What is a schema mutation

A schema mutation is a collection of statements that mutate the state of an Agents "schema". Think SQL CREATE TABLE statements but for SSI. Statements are executed in order, so later statements can reference resources created in earlier statemenents.

Each statement is identified by a [[statement]] token (in reality this is just toml syntax for adding a entry entry to the "statement" array)

A statement is for a particular operation, which must be specified. e.g. the following statement is used to create a persona (in toml land this is adding the create.persona property (which is a table/object) to the statement entry)


This create persona statement requires that values for certain properties are provided. The json schema in this repository validates this and is used to provide autocompletion. e.g. for a persona the name property is required

name = "MyPersona"

Any optional properties can also be provided, e.g. this will create an sdk2 persona

name = "MyPersona"
config.type = "sdk2"

Supported statements

The expected structure of a schema mutation is defined by the jolocom-agent-schema-toml-v1.json json schema. The toml extension is configured to use this json schema to provide extra validation and autocompletion. Here is a summary of the supported statements:

Create Persona


Create Credential Template


Update Schema Script

The update schema script simply sends the contents of the ./playground.toml file (or custom file path) to the PATCH /schema endpoint using a content type of application/toml.

It can be used as follows:

  • BEARER_TOKEN is required, this the bearer token that can be generated from the POST /token request
  • AGENT_URL is optional and defaults to localhost:9000, this is the url of your running agent.
  • SCHEMA_MUTATION_FILE_PATH is optional and defaults to ./playground.toml, this is the path to the schema mutation which will be applied to the agent.

Alternatively you can apply the schema mutation yourself by simply making a request to PATCH /schema with your schema mutation as the body of the request. The request must use the header Content-Type: application/toml. You can do this using your HTTP client of choice, e.g. the swagger ui, postman, etc.