
WebID proxy service

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

This is a proxy service for WebID / SoLiD.

It maintains a list of TLS client certificates on behalf of agents.

Agents are authenticated with username and password, and a session is established.

See solid/solid#22 for a description and discussion of the use case.

Warning: This is highly experimental, do not use in a production environment.


"Normal" WebID-TLS flow:

RDF Resource access:

|------------|  WEBID-TLS   |--------------|
| USER AGENT | -----------> | RDF RESOURCE |
| * tls cert |              | * profile    |
|            | <----------- |              |
|            | RDF RESPONSE |              |
|------------|              |--------------|

"Proxy" WebID-TLS flow:

Proxy Authentication:

|------------|    UN / PW   |---------------|
| USER AGENT | -----------> | WEBID PROXY   |
|            |              | * users       |
|            | <----------- | * tls cert(s) |
|            |    COOKIE    |               |
|------------|              |---------------|

RDF Resource Access:

|------------|    COOKIE    |---------------|  WEBID-TLS   |--------------|
| USER AGENT | -----------> | WEBID PROXY   | -----------> | RDF RESOURCE |
| * cookie   |              | * users       |              | * profile    |
|            | <----------- | * tls cert(s) | <----------- |              |
|            | RDF RESPONSE |               | RDF RESPONSE |              |
|------------|              |---------------|              |--------------|

E.g. if you want to access the resource


Then via the proxy you would instead access


User management


POST: http://localhost:8111/register
Parameters: username, password, name (optional), email (optional)

Verify E-Mail:

POST: http://localhost:8111/verifyemail
Parameters: username, code


POST: http://localhost:8111/login
Parameters: username, password


POST: http://localhost:8111/logout 

Forgot Password:

POST: http://localhost:8111/forgotpassword
Parameters: username

Reset Password:

POST: http://localhost:8111/resetpassword
Parameters: username, code, password

Export Private Key:

REDIRECT: http://localhost:8111/exportkey

Import Private Key:

POST: http://localhost:8111/importkey
Parameters: .p12 file (multipart/form-data)

Users are stored in ./users/ and also created on the SoLiD server.

For each user, there is a key/value text file and a PKCS#12 key store.

How to build

Just run

mvn clean install jetty:run

To build and run the WebID proxy.

The host and port of the SoLiD server can be configured as follows:

mvn clean install jetty:run -Dwebid.host=my.host.com:8443

Support for vhosts style WebIDs can be enabled as follows:

mvn clean install jetty:run -Dvhosts

Then open http://localhost:8111 in your browser for a demo interface.