Vaulted Key Provider

Table of Contents

Vaulted Key Provider implements a simple, secure key store based on an encrypted UniversalWallet2020 instance and a set of utility functions implementing operations on the wallet, along with a simple crypto utility interface for anoncryption and signature verification. An implementation of the EncryptedWalletUtils and CryptoUtils is currently available with the @jolocom/native-core module. It builds upon a Rust implementation of the UniversalWallet2020 spec.


Wallet and Key Creation

import { walletUtils } from '@jolocom/native-core'
import { SoftwareKeyProvider } from '@jolocom/vaulted-key-provider'

// create an empty wallet
const id = "my_id"
const wallet = await SoftwareKeyProvider.newEmptyWallet(

// or create from an existing encrypted wallet
const wallet = new SoftwareKeyProvider(walletUtils, encryptedWalletBuffer, id)

// add a new randomly generated secp256k1 signing key pair to the wallet
const newSigningKey = await wallet.newKeyPair(
   id: "urn:some-urn-identifier",
   publicKeyHex: "hex-encoded public key",
   type: "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
   controller: ["signing-key-1"]
// add a new randomly generated x25519 key agreement key pair to the wallet
const newEncryptionKey = await wallet.newKeyPair(
   id: "urn:some-urn-identifier",
   publicKeyHex: "hex-encoded public key",
   type: "X25519KeyAgreementKey2019",
   controller: ["encryption-key-1"]

Signing and Verification

import { cryptoUtils } from '@jolocom/native-core'
import { getCryptoProvider } from '@jolocom/vaulted-key-provider'

const crypto = getCryptoProvider(cryptoUtils)

const data = Buffer.from("some arbitrary data")

// create a signature using newSigningKey generated previously
const signature = await wallet.sign({
    encryptionPass: password,
    keyRef: "signing-key-1"
}, data)

const isValid = await crypto.verify(
    Buffer.from(newSigningKey.publicKeyHex, 'hex'),
// true

Encryption and Decryption

const plaintext = Buffer.from("some arbitrary data")

// encrypt to newEncryptionKey generated previously
const ciphertext = await crypto.encrypt(
    Buffer.from(newEncryptionKey.publicKeyHex, 'hex'),

// decrypt using newEncryptionKey generated previously
const decrypted = await wallet.decrypt({
    encryptionPass: password,
    keyRef: "encryption-key-1"
}, ciphertext)

// decrypted.toString() === "some arbitrary data"


This package defines two purely functional APIs for performing crypto operations:

  • CryptoUtils: Public Key crypto operations (anoncryption + verification)
  • EncryptedWalletUtils: Private Key crypto operations (decryption + signing)

Additionally it exposes two higher level idiomatic Typescript interfaces:

  • ICryptoProvider: A general purpose Public Key crypto provider. Intended to be used as a high-level, simple API for anoncryption, signature verification and random number generation. Implementations should be fully stateless.
  • IVaultedKeyProvider: (implemented by SoftwareKeyProvider): A secure encrypted Key store and Private Key crypto provider. This interface is intended to be implemented by a class with two internal state objects, an ID and an encrypted state buffer.

Finally, these interfaces are implemented by two components which consume implementations of the lower-level APIs:

  • getCryptoProvider: Take a CryptoUtils implementation and returns an ICryptoProvider implementation.
  • SoftwareKeyProvider: A class which takes an EncryptedWalletUtils implementation and (combined with internal state) implements a simple, easy to use, secure key store implementing IVaultedKeyProvider.