
CheckBoxGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of checkbox buttons. Checking one checkbox button that belongs to a checkbox group unchecks any previously checked checkbox button within the same group.

Primary LanguageKotlin


CheckBoxGroup This class is used to create a multiple-exclusion scope for a set of checkbox buttons. Checking one checkbox button that belongs to a checkbox group unchecks any previously checked checkbox button within the same group.

initializing in layout xml code like this :

        app:orientation="vertical" />

in String intialise your array and pass it to checkbox group.


  <string-array name="rating">

Listening to events

 CheckboxGroup checkboxGroup = (CheckboxGroup) findViewById(R.id.checkbox);

        checkboxGroup.onCheckBoxListener(new CheckboxGroup.onSelected() {
            public void itemSelected(CheckboxGroup group, int pos, int[] checkedArray) {
                Log.i("TAG", "View clicked id :" + pos+" Checkbox state :"+ Arrays.toString(checkedArray));

Attributes :

orientation - 1-vertical 2-horizontal

text_color - checkbx textcolor

checkbox_array - string array of checkbox text string

multi_select- true :multi select is enabled false:single check is enabled