
Ludum Dare 29 entry

Primary LanguageC


This is my second entry for a Ludum Dare. The objective in Pianall is to move the ball using the arrow keys through the tiles in the same order as they are displayed at the beginning of each level. Menus and interaction are a bit rough, but it should be playable without problems.

I hope you enjoy playing it.

Jose Antonio Maestre Celdran


WEB BUILD: https://googledrive.com/host/0Bx4qPdAlpg0jaHRQdmo2QldrWEU/web%20build.html WINDOWS BUILD: https://googledrive.com/host/0Bx4qPdAlpg0jYWZPa3dycHpVNVU/LD29_Pianall_Windows_Build.zip