
Alpine-based multistage-build version of ansible-lint for reproducible usage in CI

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker image for ansible-lint

Build Status Tag License

All #awesome-ci Docker images

ansible ansible-lint awesome-ci black checkmake eslint file-lint gofmt goimports golint jsonlint phpcbf phpcs phplint php-cs-fixer pycodestyle pylint terraform-docs terragrunt terragrunt-fmt yamlfmt yamllint

All #awesome-ci Makefiles

Visit cytopia/makefiles for seamless project integration, minimum required best-practice code linting and CI.

View Dockerfile on GitHub.

Docker hub

Tiny Alpine-based multistage-build dockerized version of ansible-lint[1]. The image is built nightly against the latest stable version of ansible-lint and pushed to Dockerhub.

[1] Official project: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint

Available Docker image versions

Docker tag Build from
latest Current stable ansible-lint version

Docker mounts

The working directory inside the Docker container is /data/ and should be mounted locally to the root of your project where your .ansible-lint config file is located.


# Single playbook
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/ansible-lint playbook.yml

# All playbooks via wildcard
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/ansible-lint *.yml

# Single role (run from within the role's root)
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":"/data/$(basename "$(pwd)" )" -e ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/data" cytopia/ansible-lint "/data/$(basename "$(pwd)" )/tests/test.yml"

Related #awesome-ci projects

Docker images

Save yourself from installing lot's of dependencies and pick a dockerized version of your favourite linter below for reproducible local or remote CI tests:

GitHub DockerHub Type Description
awesome-ci aci-hub-img Basic Tools for git, file and static source code analysis
file-lint flint-hub-img Basic Baisc source code analysis
ansible ansible-hub-img Ansible Multiple versions and flavours of Ansible
ansible-lint alint-hub-img Ansible Lint Ansible
gofmt gfmt-hub-img Go Format Go source code [1]
goimports gimp-hub-img Go Format Go source code [1]
golint glint-hub-img Go Lint Go code
eslint elint-hub-img Javascript Lint Javascript code
jsonlint jlint-hub-img JSON Lint JSON files [1]
checkmake cm-hub-img Make Lint Makefiles
phpcbf pcbf-hub-img PHP PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer
phpcs pcs-hub-img PHP PHP Code Sniffer
phplint plint-hub-img PHP PHP Code Linter [1]
php-cs-fixer pcsf-hub-img PHP PHP Coding Standards Fixer
black black-hub-img Python The uncompromising Python code formatter
pycodestyle pycs-hub-img Python Python style guide checker
pylint pylint-hub-img Python Python source code, bug and quality checker
terraform-docs tfdocs-hub-img Terraform Terraform doc generator (TF 0.12 ready) [1]
terragrunt tg-hub-img Terraform Terragrunt and Terraform
terragrunt-fmt tgfmt-hub-img Terraform terraform fmt for Terragrunt files [1]
yamlfmt yfmt-hub-img Yaml Format Yaml files [1]
yamllint ylint-hub-img Yaml Lint Yaml files

[1] Uses a shell wrapper to add enhanced functionality not available by original project.


Visit cytopia/makefiles for dependency-less, seamless project integration and minimum required best-practice code linting for CI. The provided Makefiles will only require GNU Make and Docker itself removing the need to install anything else.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 cytopia