TurboPower ShellShock Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Package names 3. Installation 4. Version history 4.1 Release 1.02 ============================================== 1. Introduction ShellShock provides a set of components that let you customize applications with the functionality available in the Windows Shell & Windows Explorer, all without writing code. The components are written in native VCL for Borland Delphi & C++Builder. This is a source-only release of TurboPower ShellShock. It includes designtime and runtime packages for Delphi 3 through 7 and C++Builder 3 through 6. For help files and a PDF manual, please see the tpshellshock_docs package on SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpshellshock). ============================================== 2. Package names TurboPower ShellShock package names have the following form: KNNNMKVV.* | ||| | ||+------ VV VCL version (30=Delphi 3, 40=Delphi 4, 70=Delphi 7) | |+------- K Kind of package (R=runtime, D=designtime) | +-------- M Product-specific modifier (typically underscore) +----------- NNN Product version number (e.g., 102=version 1.02) For example, the ShellShock designtime package files for Delphi 7 have the filename K102_D70.*. The runtime package contains the core functionality of the product and is not installed into the IDE. The designtime package references the runtime package, registers the components, and contains property editors used in the IDE. ============================================== 3. Installation To install TurboPower ShellShock into your IDE, take the following steps: 1. Unzip the release files into a directory (e.g., d:\shellshock). 2. Start Delphi or C++Builder. 3. Add the source subdirectory (e.g., d:\shellshock\source) to the IDE's library path. 4. Open & compile the runtime package specific to the IDE being used. 5. Open & install the designtime package specific to the IDE being used. The IDE should notify you the components have been installed. ============================================== 4. Version history 4.1 Release 1.02 Bugs Fixed ---------- - Stretched icons in "Large Fonts" mode Enhancements ------------ - Delphi 7 support
A set of components that let you customize applications with the functionality available in the Windows Shell & Windows Explorer, all without writing code