
Assignment for virtusize

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Virtusize Assignment

This Virtusize Assignment is made with the following:

  • React - A Javascript library made by facebook, for developing user interfaces
  • Twitter Bootstrap - Front-end component library used for rapid prototyping
  • jQuery - Required for Bootstrap js features. Only used for Bootstrap Modal in this project
  • Webpack - Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. Used for rapid development and bundling for production
  • Nodejs - Required if you want to host production build, locally.
  • Sass - Sass is a CSS pre-processor



Environment Support

Tested for:

  • Chrome (Latest 2 version)
  • Safari (Latest 2 version)
  • Firefox (Latest 2 version)

Design Considerations

When approaching this project, I have set out with the following objectives and goals:

  • Seamless experience - No transition between screens, when user wants to complete an action. E.g. Changing password
  • Aim to make UI intuitive to understand. Shouldn't reinvent the wheel (redesign everything), since users will prefer a familiar interface. Using white space to declutter the UI, making it easier for users to focus on task/objective
  • Maintainable - Easy for other developers to understand and maintain

Setting up


For developing locally. Features for developing locally, includes hot reloading, sass compiling without restarting webpack, bundles are stored in RAM and served with webpack-dev-server

$ git clone https://github.com/jomaint/virtusize-profile
$ cd virtusize-profile
$ npm install
$ npm start

Running Unit tests

$ npm run test

Production build

To build for production on bare servers (EC2, DO droplets, etc) After commiting to changes to develop branch

  1. Merge develop into master
$ git checkout master
$ git merge developer
  1. Build files into bundle.css & bundles.js for production. Which also allow us to use ES6 syntax for development while keeping it compatible with more browsers
$ npm run build
$ git add .
$ git commit --m "Production build"
$ git push
  1. SSH into remote server. Also assuming Nginx or other web service is serving the bundle files & html. In our Demo, we used netlify to automatically build when we push to github
$ cd project_folder_path
$ git checkout master
$ git pull && npm run deploy

Testing production build locally

After the above steps, skipping step 3. you can run the local nodejs (v8.9.0) server to serve the static files just to check. Useful, to check before pushing to master, especially if you have CI like in netlify.

$ node server


Picture should be fetched using gravatar

If email is passed in to UserProfile Component, email will be md5 hashed and image retrieved via Gravatar. A default Icon is placed over a background when no email is passed into component

Editing full name should display a first and last name field

A single EditableTextField Component is first created and another component wrapping two EditableTextField component. This component is named, EditableNameField, which also maintains the state of both fields and also when to show the submit and cancel button. Focusing on either fields should also toggle editable state of both fields.

Email field simply uses the EditableTextField component. Building the UI by components makes it easier to make changes & maintain in the future. Also ensures a consistent look & behaviour.

Password form should have an option to unmask (no confirm password field) and should display a strength meter.

Change of Password is done via a Modal. Modals allows us to taking away other distractions, if you want the user to focus on several related interactions. In this case, we can show tips and strength of the password entered. However, we need to be careful when using modals, since its not mobile friendly in most cases.


  • Able to preview image after uploading, bypassing uploading. Able to show how image will look like.
  • Build minified files for production. Test production files locally using nodejs, express
  • Additional details on accessibility such as, handling 'Enter' button when editing fields
  • Responsive layout for most screens from iPad to large screens
  • Demo available. Able to preview without building locally
  • Unit Tests

Future features:

  • Handle mobile better