RNAseq analysis in R - iBio Bioinformatic Workshop

This workshop introduces the participants to RNA-seq data analysis methods, tools and file formats, using R programming language.

The workshop starts with a 'Basic use of R' Q&A sesion, followed by an 'R graphics' class. The second part of the workshop will focus on RNA-seq data analysis. During a 3-days session, participants will learn to perform differential expression analyses, using data from different RNA-seq experiment designs, including the generation of transcriptional networks.


Session A: Prep Training. R Basics

Session B: Prep Training. R Graphics

Homework 1: preparative training sessions

Session 1: RNAseq. Temporal Analysis

  • RNA-Seq: Data pre-processing.
  • Temporal analysis of RNA-seq data.

Session 2: RNAseq. Treatment_and_Multivariables

  • Analysis of RNA-seq data, treatment effect.
  • Analysis of RNA-seq data, multiple variables.

Session 3: RNAseq. Transcriptional Networks

  • Transcriptional networks.

Homework 2: RNAseq data analysis