
The goal of this project is to implement an application called movie-app to manage movies. For it, we will implement a back-end application called movie-api using Spring Boot and a font-end application called movie-ui using ReactJS. Besides, we will use OAuth2 (Social Login) to secure both applications. Applications

Primary LanguageJava


The goal of this project is to implement an application called movie-app to manage movies. For it, we will implement a back-end application called movie-api using Spring Boot and a font-end application called movie-ui using ReactJS. Besides, we will use OAuth2 (Social Login) to secure both applications.


  • movie-api

    Spring Boot Web Java backend application that exposes a Rest API to create, retrieve and delete movies. If a user has ADMIN role he/she can also retrieve information of other users or delete them. The application secured endpoints can just be accessed if a valid JWT access token is provided.

    In order to get the JWT access token, the user can login using the credentials (username and password) created when he/she signed up directly to the application.

    movie-api stores its data in MySQL database.

    movie-api has the following endpoints

    Endpoint Secured Roles
    POST /auth/authenticate -d {"username","password"} No
    POST /auth/signup -d {"username","password","name","email"} No
    GET /public/numberOfUsers No
    GET /public/numberOfMovies No
    GET /api/users/me Yes ADMIN, USER
    GET /api/users Yes ADMIN
    GET /api/users/{username} Yes ADMIN
    DELETE /api/users/{username} Yes ADMIN
    GET /api/movies [?text] Yes ADMIN, USER
    POST /api/movies -d {"imdb","description"} Yes ADMIN
    DELETE /api/movies/{imdb} Yes ADMIN
  • movie-ui

    ReactJS frontend application where a user with role USER can retrieve the information about movies. On the other hand, a user with role ADMIN has access to all secured endpoints, including endpoints to create and delete movies.

    In order to access the application, a user or admin can login using his/her Github account or using the credentials (username and password) created when he/she signed up directly to the application. All the requests coming from movie-ui to secured endpoints in movie-api have the JWT access token. This token is generated when the user or admin logins.

    movie-ui uses Semantic UI React as CSS-styled framework.

Creating OAuth2 apps for Social Login

  • Github

    In this link, it's explained how to create a Github App

Note: Other providers like Facebook, Twitter, etc will be added later

How Social Login Works?

To explain how it works, we will use Github as OAuth2 provider example. However, this flow is similar to other providers. All the OAuth2 provider configuration is done in the application.yml. The oauth2Login configuration is done in WebSecurityConfig

  1. The Social Login with Github starts by movie-app client redirecting the user to the following URL

  2. The OAuth2 provider will receive the request similar to

  3. The user is redirected to the OAuth2 provider login form

  4. User provide his/her credentials


  5. User allows or denies the permissions to movie-app


    • If user denies permissions, the OAuth2 provider will redirect the user to the callback URL registered when creating the movie-app with an error.

      The component that handles it is the Spring Boot default SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler. It can be customized if needed.

    • If user allows permissions, the OAuth2 provider will redirect the user to the callback URL registered when creating the movie-app with the authorization_code

      The redirect URL will be similar to


      Once received the redirect, Spring Security will exchange the authorization_code for an access_token and call CustomOAuth2UserService that will check (by username) whether the user is present or not in the movie-app database. If it is not present, a new entry for the user is created; otherwise, a few user information (like imageUrl and email) is updated.

      In the end, the component CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandler, extends SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler, is invoked. It's responsible for creating a JWT access token and sending it to the user in the redirect_uri. We are using as redirect_uri a url present in movie-ui, http://localhost:3000/oauth2/redirect. The JWT token informed in the redirect_uri as a query string, like it's shown below



Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and inside springboot-react-social-login root folder run

    docker-compose up -d
  • Wait for mysql Docker container to be up and running. To check it, run

    docker-compose ps

Running movie-app using Maven & Npm

  • movie-api

    • Open a terminal and navigate to springboot-react-social-login/movie-api folder

    • Export the following environment variables for the Client ID and Client Secret of the Social Apps (see how to get them in Creating OAuth2 apps for Social Login)

      export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=...
      export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=...
    • Run the following Maven command to start the application

      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  • movie-ui

    • Open another terminal and navigate to springboot-react-social-login/movie-ui folder

    • Run the command below if you are running the application for the first time

      npm install
    • Run the npm command below to start the application

      npm start

Applications URLs

Application URL Credentials
movie-api http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
movie-ui http://localhost:3000 admin/admin, user/user or signing up a new user


  • The gif below shows a user loging in using the Github


  • The gif below shows an admin loging in using his application account


Testing movie-api Endpoints

  • Manual Test

    • Access movie-ui at http://localhost:3000

    • Click Login and then, connect with Github

    • Provide your Github credentials

  • Automatic Endpoints Test

    • Open a terminal and make sure you are in springboot-react-social-login root folder

    • Run the following script


      It should return something like the output below, where it shows the http code for different requests

      POST auth/authenticate
      admin access token
      user access token
      POST auth/signup
      user2 access token
                      Endpoints | without token |  user token |  admin token |
      ------------------------- + ------------- + ----------- + ------------ |
       GET public/numberOfUsers |           200 |         200 |          200 |
      GET public/numberOfMovies |           200 |         200 |          200 |
      ......................... + ............. + ........... + ............ |
              GET /api/users/me |           401 |         200 |          200 |
                 GET /api/users |           401 |         403 |          200 |
           GET /api/users/user2 |           401 |         403 |          200 |
        DELETE /api/users/user2 |           401 |         403 |          200 |
      ......................... + ............. + ........... + ............ |
                GET /api/movies |           401 |         200 |          200 |
               POST /api/movies |           401 |         403 |          201 |
         DELETE /api/movies/abc |           401 |         403 |          200 |
       [200] Success -  [201] Created -  [401] Unauthorized -  [403] Forbidden

Util Commands

  • MySQL
    docker exec -it mysql mysql -uroot -psecret --database=moviedb
    show tables;


  • To stop movie-api and movie-ui, go to the terminals where they are running and press Ctrl+C

  • To stop and remove docker-compose containers, network and volumes, go to a terminal and, inside springboot-react-social-login root folder, run the command below

    docker-compose down -v

How to upgrade movie-ui dependencies to latest version

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in springboot-react-social-login/movie-ui folder

  • Run the following commands

    npm upgrade
    npm i -g npm-check-updates
    ncu -u
    npm install
