Mensa BPB Menu Scraper
Mensa BPB Menu Scraper is a Java library that fetches weekly menus from my company canteens website.
At each invocation, the library download the requested HTML menu from the BPB CV canteen website and parses it into a Java object using Jsoup.
How to compile
The project comes with a standard Maven POM file. To compile it, run its tests and create the library jar, run:
mvn packgage
How to use this library
The usage of this library is pretty straightforward:
// Create the scraper instance
MensaBpbScraper scraper = new MensaBpbScraperImpl();
// Fetch the menu for a canteen
WeeklyMenu menu = scraper.getMenu(Canteen.PALAZZOLO);
// Browse the menu
List<String> mondayFirstCourses = menu.getDailyMenus().get(WorkWeekDay.MONDAY).getFirstCourses();