Easy to use device for connecting "old" measuring units (water, power, gas, ...) to the digital world
- 1
MQTT custom message
#3541 opened by git-Omen - 3
LED turns off while in setup process || placeholder/variables in gui visible || missing page || ntp server issue
#3540 opened by thomasklein1975 - 6
manual change RAW data
#3539 opened by R0yk3 - 76
MQTT-Bug with CA-Certificate
#3425 opened by theo416 - 7
CheckDigitIncreaseConsistency not working for model dig-cont_0712_s3_q.tflite
#3533 opened by fsck-block - 5
Multiple Problems while fresh installation
#3535 opened by gimmel - 1
- 1
Request for Support for RHYX M21-45 Camera Module
#3531 opened by mstsclev - 4
support for OV3660
#3530 opened by nilven - 2
New Training Data
#3528 opened by Sailor-Fhem - 1
OV2640 replaced with the GC2640
#3529 opened by SniperWCW - 17
Save ROI image in case of „Rate too high“
#3523 opened by Commifreak - 4
- 6
New Training Data
#3505 opened by declan727 - 2
Modbus please
#3449 opened by hns666 - 1
- 0
New Training Data
#3517 opened by spielkind1 - 0
- 1
Die erste Zahl springt zu früh um
#3512 opened by Ja2ck7 - 6
Crash after 1h 30min
#3497 opened by Heo445 - 2
Problem with the alignement
#3506 opened by Sebthebest - 14
Need for a better Autoresponder for the discussions
#3444 opened by caco3 - 2
- 2
Falscher Wert trotz perfekter Erkennung
#3495 opened by Ingo-Knito - 3
Please add "Temperature/°C" to "Meter Type",
#3448 opened by Deepintheeast - 0
MTBF and failure rate values
#3491 opened by oh5lep - 3
Not consistent data on the DataGraph
#3485 opened by pierafal - 6
Please help me with setting of platformio
#3484 opened by hns666 - 2
New Training Data
#3469 opened by Tex11000 - 1
New Training Data
#3447 opened by Gifford47 - 0
Log level is set to DEBUG
#3481 opened by fogy92 - 0
looking to use this for a analog Manaomter
#3478 opened by testpaul999 - 3
Can you use it with digital water meters?
#3470 opened by skycryer - 9
- 7
Off-center arrows
#3472 opened by w9925 - 10
SD card init failed
#3459 opened by gwgittrash - 5
ROI Recognition as 10.0
#3445 opened by chopper145 - 0
No Wifi Connection after power outage
#3467 opened by protege323 - 0
Change External LED Pin, WS2812, ESP32 S3
#3466 opened by SAKAisKING - 1
7 is not recognized
#3463 opened by lindi200000 - 28
Boot Loop after OTA Update
#3443 opened by danube - 0
Use "LED intensity" in "Reference Image and Camera Settings" for internal AND external LED
#3462 opened by caco3 - 2
Problem with last digit
#3441 opened by Proll86 - 0
values in json without quotes
#3442 opened by hns666 - 3
Plausibility check for the date?
#3440 opened by gitpower2017 - 1
Getting an image in HomeAssistant on request
#3437 opened by dudeden - 2
- 0
Could we use m5stack's Unit CamS3 Wi-Fi Camera?
#3430 opened by p0macs - 12
- 0
Request help with ESP32-cam Please!!!
#3411 opened by IloveUCat