US CARES Act Payment Protection Program data, cleaned for analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


CARES Act data: PPP, EIDL and more.

Data files can be downloaded from the DataKind Google Drive


  1. Contributing.
  2. Data Sources.
  3. Directory Structure.
  4. Using Docker
  5. PPP Data Dictionary
  6. Enhancements

Please either fork or make a development branch of the repo to contribute.

Please ask a fellow volunteer to review your code with a pull request before merging with the master branch! You can always ask @JohnMcCambridge or @kbmorales if you don't know who to ask to review!

Data Sources

  • bin/ for in production executable files
    • bin/setup.R sets up PPP data set in R for analysis
  • code/ folder with individual project subfolders on the CARES act data. Enhancements people make can go here, grouped by "project". A project is any discreet enhancement to the data, like adding in NAICS code industry identifiers. All projects should be documented in the README. Project examples:
    • code/NAICS/ is where scripts go for joining NAICS and PPP data
    • code/census_mapping/ for US census joins, mapping, etc.
  • docs/ for references, data dictionaries, manuals, etc. Each project should have an accompanying docs/project_name/ folder
  • data/ for raw data files that scripts rely on or that others would find useful--I think tidied data files should be uploaded to Google Drive to make it easier for others to use. Please organize data files roughly by topic! Please cite sources in the README!
  • tests/ for each project's unit tests; i.e., tests/NAICS/
  • src/ contains python code that can be used together as a single src package and installed in a dev environment via pip install -e . when in the repo root.
  • docker/ contains the elements needed to run a Docker instance of the python code, to ensure consistent dependency trees across data scientists
  • python/ contains some extra elements for python data exploration, such as interactive notebooks that can be used to test out basic concepts prior to committing them as scripts/modules.

All finalized code should be able to be run on the output of the setup scripts in bin/ or src/, or on a dataset read in as a CSV file created by cleaning code.

If you want to work from a consistent dependency tree, the best way is through Docker containerization. Note that, for now, this is specific only to python users, but R users could incorporate necessary elements in the Dockerfile if desired to make it work more broadly.

  1. From the terminal, in the project's root directory, enter docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up --build and the container should successfully spin up, with log messages in the terminal indicating this.

    • If this isn't your first time using the service (e.g. you've already built the image once) and you don't have any updates to the environment.yml file that change the container's dependencies, then just use docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up.
    • Note: if you have updated the environment.yml file, you'll need to use the Dockerfile as part of the install (instead of pulling an image from DockerHub) so that it can re-build the image using the new requirements. You should probably also update the tag on line 5 of docker/docker-compose.yml to reflect the new requirements of the image so it doesn't overwrite your old, functioning image.
      • Additionally, the most effective way to update the environment for future builds is to update the environment.yml file by running conda env export -f environment.yml from within a terminal tab of JupyterLab in a running container that has the new requirements installed. Note the lack of --no-builds at the end: this can cause undue delay during image building by making the conda solver figure out the exact hashes to use for your package versions. Since we're simply updating the image based upon a modified container originally spun up using that same image, there's no need to exclude the exact builds from the conda export process.
  2. Go to http://localhost:10000/lab for access.

    • Note that JupyterLab will require you to enter a token before it will allow you access via the browser. This token can be found in the log messages printed to your terminal after starting the service via docker-compose (look for the line that says "Or copy and paste one of these URLs:" and then copy the portion of the URL that comes after "?token=").
    • JupyterLab may direct you to use port 8888 or the like -- go with port 1000 above, regardless of what the "copy-paste" links in the terminal says.

WARNING: before doing any of this, make sure your Docker Desktop has been given access to a sizeable fraction of your system memory (e.g. the machine all of this was developed on gave it 8 GB). This will ensure it doesn't run out of memory while doing the initial data ingest.


  1. If you want to use the terminal for any activities (e.g. adding new packages to the environment), make sure you first activate the environment via conda activate <environment_name>
    • Whenever you install new packages, if you want them to be available the next time you spin this environment up, please make sure you first overwrite the environment.yml file with your new dependencies via (assuming your terminal is currently in the notebooks/ directory) conda env export -f ../environment.yml --no-builds
  2. The working directory in which you launch your container via docker-compose.yml will be mounted inside the Docker container, meaning that you'll see any notebooks, scripts, etc. that you already had in that directory when you spun up the container.
  3. Check the kernel you're using for any new notebooks to ensure that it's set to the proper conda environment.
  4. In order to utilize plotly visualization within notebooks in JupyterLab, you need to agree to do the re-build that you are prompted to do when first opening up Jupyterlab in the container. After agreeing, wait a minute or two until it prompts you to reload JupyterLab. Once you do so, plotly functionality should be enabled for that container.


Rows: 4,885,388 (0630 dataset); 5,212,128 (0808 dataset)

Potential duplicate rows: ~4,353 (still investigating - first dataset)


variable n Missing % Missing Validation Notes
LoanRange 4224170 86.5 see notes
BusinessName 4224171 86.5 no values for loan amounts under 150K
Address 4224170 86.5 no values for loan amounts under 150K
City 1 0.0 see notes
State 0 0.0 see notes
Zip 224 0.0 see notes
NAICSCode 133527 2.7 validation pending
BusinessType 4723 0.1
RaceEthnicity 0 0.0 89.3% "Unanswered"
Gender 0 0.0 77.7% "Unanswered"
Veteran 0 0.0 84.7% "Unanswered"
NonProfit 4703708 96.3 see notes
JobsRetained 324122 6.6 see notes
DateApproved 0 0.0 earliest: 2020-04-03 latest: 2020-06-30
Lender 0 0.0
CD 0 0.0
LoanAmount 661218 13.5 no values for loan amounts over 150K

preliminary notes from 0808 dataset

total rows: 5,212,128

LoanRange: 4,549,613 NA values

BusinessName: 4,549,613 NA values

Also present are some invalid or strange unique business names:

  • 1970
  • 1990
  • 1999
  • 3945
  • 95112
  • 995782.5
  • 200222222
  • 462048120
  • 2815496822
  • 8187853713
  • 8436795355
  • 9148415738
  • 80028795173
  • #NAME? [2 loans]
  • 4/1/2002
  • 9/1/2014
  • NEW APPLICATION [51 loans]
  • N/A [5 loans]
  • NOT AVAILABLE [5 loans]

and here are business names that appear MANY times:

  • SACRED HEART SCHOOL [11 loans]

Additionally, five entries with business name of "-"

Address: 4,549,613 NA values

City: 201 entries with value of "N/A" in states as follows:

State: 59 unique values. FI remains uncorrected, 165 NAs

Zip: 36675 unique values. 196 NAs.

NAICSCode: 133,144 NAs. 86,358 have value of 999990 ("Unclassifiable")

BusinessType: 4,570 NAs

RaceEthnicity: 4,675,327

Gender 4,096,373

Veteran: 4,450,315

NonProfit: 5,029,544 NAs (only other value is Y)

JobsRetained: no longer exists as a variable, likely due to embarrasement at inaccuracy. Replacement variable is called "JobsReported": 337,878 NAs,

DateApproved: 04/03/2020 to 08/08/2020

Lender: 0 NAs

CD: 1,017 NAs, some definite strangess around CDs not matching to State

LoanAmount: 662,515 NAs

LoanRangeUnified Freq
a $5-10 million 4,734
b $2-5 million 24,248
c $1-2 million 53,218
d $350,000-1 million 199,679
e $150,000-350,000 380,636
f $125,000 - $150,000 119,128
g $100,000 - $125,000 172,590
h $75,000 - $100,000 260,379
i $50,000 - $75,000 423,406
j $25,000 - $50,000 830,119
k $1,000 - $25,000 2,712,932
l $100 - $1000 30,558
m $10 - $100 465
n Up to $10 36
JobsReported_Grouped Freq
a 400 - 500 7,103
b 300 - 400 5,715
c 200 - 300 13,653
d 100 - 200 46,436
e 50 - 100 103,145
f 25 - 50 229,515
g 10 - 25 588,103
h 5 - 10 685,136
i 2 - 5 1,348,223
j 1 1,248,997
k Zero 598,223
l Negative 1
State Freq
AE 1
AK 12,085
AL 70,328
AR 43,675
AS 296
AZ 85,767
CA 623,345
CO 109,171
CT 64,627
DC 13,512
DE 13,205
FI 1
FL 432,883
GA 174,425
GU 2,208
HI 25,096
IA 61,415
ID 31,055
IL 225,433
IN 83,241
KS 53,757
KY 50,671
LA 78,868
MA 118,390
MD 87,009
ME 28,309
MI 128,161
MN 102,349
MO 95,595
MP 482
MS 48,542
MT 23,907
NC 129,285
ND 20,510
NE 44,072
NH 24,742
NJ 157,402
NM 23,037
NV 45,770
NY 348,867
OH 149,152
OK 66,211
OR 66,350
PA 173,543
PR 39,543
RI 17,943
SC 67,166
SD 23,493
TN 99,574
TX 417,266
UT 52,274
VA 114,572
VI 2,057
VT 12,401
WA 107,662
WI 89,613
WV 18,065
WY 13,584

these notes below apply to the 0630 dataset specifically


LoanRange is missing from all state data, giving the 86.5% missing number, but actual loan amount is included instead. To address this we have created a computed field LoanRange_Unified which assigns all precise numeric loan values from the 'Under 150K' State files into compatible groups. Within these groups, some values are improbably low e.g.:

LoanRange n %
Less than Zero 1 0.0
Zero 71 0.0
Up to $10 217 0.0
$100 - $1000 26318 0.5

Additionally we have created numeric fields for other calcuations, such as ranking and summing across groups: LoanRangeMin, LoanRangeMid, LoanRangeMax.


City is not a formalized field and contains open-text values, meaning it cannot be used as-is for any kind of geo-coding or validation


State contains a small number of odd values:

State n % notes
AE 1 0.0 zipcode suggests this is indeed a military address outside the US
FI 1 0.0 zipcode suggests this should be FL
XX 210 0.0


All non-missing values are in valid 5 digit format, but not all of those match to real zip codes. Further validation pending. Note also that just because a zip code is valid does not mean it can be mapped to a ZCAT (e.g., PO Box Zips)


Has only Y or NA values, and so can be assumed to be a required question, implying actual Missingness of 0%


contains some improbable values, and many values are Zero:

JobsRetained n %
Less than Zero 7 0.0
Zero 554146 11.3

RaceEthnicity, Gender, and Veteran

Most of the data are "Not Answered" due to these questions being optional.


Adds NAICS industry identifiers to the PPP data. See the notebook