
Ethreum Escrow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

*Project name:Escrow

Setting Up:

Step 1: Download the repostory using the command:

Git Clone https://github.com/jomoljaison/Escrow.git

In order to run this project locally in your computer you need the following packages installed in your System and the commands to install the packages are given below:

Step 2 You need to install Nodejs

<command> : npm install nodejs

 Download ganache :https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache

Step 3 Install the all dependecies using these commands:

1. sudo apt-get install npm
2. npm install
3. npm install express-generator
4. npm install web3
5. npm install truffle

Step 4 / Open ganache

Create new workspace

			1.Workspace name : Escrow

			2.Server : Hostname------

		      		   Port Number---- 8545

		            	   Network ID----- 4002
			3.Save workspace

Step 5 Change coinbase address in app.js and addresss in migration file

Step 6 Change contract environment to Web3 provider

Step 7 Use the following command to deploy the smart contract to the connected chain:

   <command> : truffle migrate

Step 8 Run the dapp using the command

   <command> :  npm start  

Step 9: Go http://localhost:3000/