
Ansible role for setting up postgresql.

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Ansible role for setting up postgresql.

General Information

This role does not setup locales on the target systems.

Please read section Variables to adjust the configuration.

Supported Versions and Platforms

OS Family Distribution Latest Supported Version(s) Comment
Alpine Alpine ✔️ 3.12, 3.13
Archlinux Archlinux ✔️ -
Manjaro ✔️ -
Debian Debian ✔️ 10, 11
Ubuntu ✔️ 18.04, 20.04
RedHat Almalinux ✔️ 8
Amazonlinux - not tested, image not working
Centos ✔️ 8
Fedora ✔️ 33, 34, Rawhide
Oraclelinux ✔️ 7, 8
Suse OpenSuse Leap ✔️ 15.1, 15.2, 15.3
Tumbleweed ✔️ -


Ansible 2.9 or higher is recommended.


Variables and defaults for this role.


# The role is disabled by default, so you do not get in trouble.
# Checked in tasks/main.yml which includes tasks/tasks.yml if enabled.
postgresql_role_enabled: false

# Prevent logging of sensitive information in postgres modules.
# Turn to false for debugging purposes.
postgresql_no_log: true

# The addresses to bind to.

# The listening port.
postgresql_port: 5432

# Change here to use a non-default location for the data dir.
postgresql_data_dir: "{{ postgresql_default_data_dir }}"

# Usually the default one.
  - "{{ postgres_default_unix_socket_directory }}"

# This allows local users to authenticate via socket.
# Set to something more restrictive if you do not need that.
# Owner and group are postgres.
postgresql_unix_socket_directories_mode: 02775

# Global configuration options that will be set in postgresql.conf.
# Alter the distribution configuration file via lineinfile.
# You can also set state: present|absent.
# Change password_encryption to e.g. to scram-sha-256 with versions >= 10.
# The value 'on' is for Amazon Linux compatibility only and defaults to md5
# also in the current versions of postgresql.
  - key: listen_addresses
    value: "{{ postgresql_listen_addresses | join(',') }}"
  - key: port
    value: "{{ postgresql_port }}"
    state: present
  - key: unix_socket_directories
    value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(',') }}"
  - key: password_encryption
    value: 'on'
  - key: timezone
    value: 'UTC'
  - key: log_timezone
    value: 'UTC'
  - key: datestyle
    value: 'iso, ymd'
  - key: default_text_search_config
    value: 'pg_catalog.english'

# Entries for pg_hba.conf (host based authentication).
# These are compatibility settings for Amazon Linuxs' version 9.2 of postgres.
# Change on versions >=10 and e.g. use scram-sha-256 instead of ident:
#  - { type: local, database: all, user: postgres, auth_method: peer }
#  - { type: local, database: all, user: all, auth_method: scram-sha-256 }
#  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: scram-sha256 }
# type, database, user, address, ip_address, ip_mask, auth_method, auth_options
  - { type: local, database: all, user: all, auth_method: peer }
  - { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: ident }

# Databases.
# see: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/postgresql/postgresql_db_module.html
postgresql_databases: []
#  - name: awesomedb    # required; the rest is optional
#    state:             # default('present')
#    ca_cert:           # default(omit)
#    conn_limit:        # default(omit)
#    dump_extra_args:   # default(omit)
#    encoding:          # default(omit)
#    lc_collate:        # default(omit)
#    lc_ctype:          # default(omit)
#    login_host:        # default(omit)
#    login_password:    # default(omit)
#    login_unix_socket: # default(omit)
#    login_user:        # default(omit)
#    maintenance_db:    # default(omit)
#    owner:             # default(omit)
#    port:              # default(omit)
#    session_role:      # default(omit)
#    ssl_mode:          # default(omit)
#    tablespace:        # default(omit)
#    target:            # default(omit)
#    target_opts:       # default(omit)
#    template:          # default(omit)
#    trust_input:       # default(omit)

# Users.
# see: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/postgresql/postgresql_user_module.html
postgresql_users: []
#  - name: looseruser     # required; the rest is optional
#    state:               # default('present')
#    ca_cert:             # default(omit)
#    conn_limit:          # default(omit)
#    db:                  # default(omit)
#    encrypted:           # default(omit)
#    expires:             # default(omit)
#    fail_on_user:        # default(omit)
#    groups:              # default(omit)
#    login_host:          # default(omit)
#    login_password:      # default(omit)
#    login_unix_socket:   # default(omit)
#    login_user:          # default(omit)
#    no_password_changes: # default(omit)
#    password:            # default(omit)
#    port:                # default(omit)
#    priv:                # default(omit)
#    role_attr_flags:     # default(omit)
#    session_role:        # default(omit)
#    ssl_mode:            # default(omit)
#    trust_input:         # default(omit)



Example Playbook

# role: ansible-role-postgresql
# play: postgresql
# file: postgresql.yml

- hosts: all
  become: true
  gather_facts: true
    postgresql_role_enabled: true
    - role: ansible-role-postgresql


This role is highly inspired by Jeff Geerlings postgresql role.

License and Author

Licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE file in repository.
