
Load, resize, cache, and generate images via a serverless architecture

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Load, resize, cache, and generate (simple, single-letter) images.


  • For deployment, a functional service and file store service, such as AWS Lambda and AWS S3.
  • Functional service must run Node 8.10 or newer


  • Once deployed, call the service at the setup HTTPS endpoint, with the following paths and parameters
    • Image only: /bucket_directory/filename.ext?width=300&height=300
    • Letter only: /any_directory/letter?width=300&height=300&primaryColor=%23ff0000ff&secondaryColor=%23ffd700ff
    • width and height are standard pixel values
      • Aspect ratio of the source will be maintained; transparent areas will fill areas that grow to fill space to keep original aspect ratio will providing the requested size
      • A square (1:1) aspect ratio is encouraged (for letter generation compatibility), but not required
      • Densities are default 72dpi, so if you want high DPI double (triple, etc.) the requested size
      • The resulting image will never have a side that is greater than the original image, or the generated letter raw size (currently set to 900x900); plan accordingly since the returned image may not be as big as requested, though the aspect ratio will still match the requested ratio
      • For safety (to make sure developers are at least aware that width and height should be supplied), width and height are required
    • primaryColor and secondaryColor should be hex values with a hash (#) prefix
      • do not forget to URL-escape the hash so the browser does not treat it like an anchor identifier (# = %23; see the examples below)
      • must be in RGB or RGBA format (ie: #00cc33 or #00cc33ff)
      • default colors will be used if colors missing or could not be parsed
      • if the requested image can not be loaded, and the letter parameters are supplied (with a letter parameter instead of in the path) then the system will fall back to returning the requested letter


  • https://some.endpoint.com/my_s3_bucket/0123abcd.png?width=300&height=300
  • https://some.endpoint.com/my_s3_bucket/w?width=300&height=300&primaryColor=%23ff0000ff&secondaryColor=%23ffd700ff
  • https://some.endpoint.com/my_s3_bucket/0123abcd.png?width=300&height=300&letter=t&primaryColor=%23ff0000ff&secondaryColor=%23ffd700ff


Built with the Serverless framework for use with AWS lambda functions and S3 storage.

To deploy to an AWS account, setup the AWS Credential store or environment variables as usual.

Recommended tools

  • An IDE or plugin that can utilize .editorconfig files
  • An IDE or plugin that can show tslint warnings

Helpful tool documentation

One-time setup

  1. Install NodeJs 8.10+

  2. Install ImageMagick (download or use choco install imagemagick.tool) and make sure it is in your PATH.

    Tip: On Windows, some of the tools are named the same as Windows commands (like convert) so make sure it is very early in your PATH.

  3. Fork and clone this repository

  4. Copy serverless-local-example.yml to server-local.yml and configure it according to your environment

  5. Setup your provider credentials as appropriate for the provider

  6. Install the necessary development tools:

    1. npm
    2. npm install -g yarn
    3. npm install -g serverless

Next, regular development steps

  1. Run yarn to install and upgrade necessary development libraries

    1. See the AWS Lambda Execution Environment and Available Libraries on which version the aws-sdk library should be set to, since it is fixed on their side; the package.json aws-sdk version should be updated to match the current "AWS SDK for JavaScript" version listed there.
    2. If the serverless library is updated to a new major version in packages.json, make sure to check and update the serverless.yml frameworkVersion accordingly
  2. Run npm test to run unit tests

    Note: Configure the slow (via packages.json call to mocha) and timeout (via calls to describe...it(...).timeout(ms) on each test) settings as necessary when testing image processing functions that call out to the external process, which can take longer than average.

  3. Run a serverless command as necessary; see the Serverless Quick Start documentation

Example deployment to AWS Lambda development (staging):

serverless deploy -v --stage dev

Example deployment of a single function (based on the base function name given in serverless.yml)

serverless deploy -f image

Example deployment to production:

serverless deploy -v --stage production

Example cleanup:

serverless remove

Debugging and Diagnostics

Some tips:

  • AWS Lambda (if in use), already includes the AWS SDK and ImageMagick libraries so it only needs referenced as a developer dependency
  • Any references to running the serverless tool can also be run with the symlink/cmd sls
  • Run serverless print to check your serverless configuration (including variable substitutions)
  • Run serverless invoke local -f image --path test/test.json (or any of the other testX.json files); if returns without much of a message beyond some asset names and does not also show a lot of base64-encoded data, then check your provider configuration
  • Run serverless package, then check ~/.serverless/cloudformation-template...json to check your provider configuration and what is going to end up as your AWS CloudFormation stack
  • Whatever IAM Role (or IAM inline permissions) you supply, should have access to CloudWatch logs and appropriate S3 buckets/paths. Example:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your.bucket.name.here"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Unit/non-integration tests (*.ts files in the test directory) are setup to not be run with the full serverless framework and provider system. Instead, they are meant to test your service layer. (You abstracted the service layer from the provider/serverless handler layer, correct?) For full serverless level but still local (non-live) tests, write JSON files with the necessary data and call sls invoke local --path test/some.test.data.file.name.here.json. (See the test/*.json files for examples.)