
Introduction to Python's Pandas package for Utah County Data Science Meetup Sept. 8th

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Intro to Pandas


  • Overview of Pandas (30 minutes)
    • uses
    • strengths
    • shortcomings
    • quick overview key commands/ideas

  • Split on interest and experience: (45 minutes)
    • Beginners:
      • I'll walk through some examples and answer any questions that may come up.
      • I hope to cover IO, selection/filtering, apply, groupby, filling/dropping rows/columns, some indexing, and more advanced selection techniques as time allows.
    • Intermediate:
      • Work together on intermediate challenges using the available resource material to guide
    • Advanced:
      • Perform data wizardry on the several available datasets

  • Come back together and share cool findings or crazy operations that did amazing or possibly unexpected things (15 minutes)

Available resources:

Experience levels:


  • read in data (csv)
  • create DF from dict
  • slice/subset
  • get aggregate eg. means, mins, etc
  • create new columsn with simple operations ie. df['C'] = df['A'] + df['B']
  • write data (csv)


  • groupby
  • joins
  • fill/interpolate/drop
  • column wide custom modifications eg. string parsing, df.apply()
  • custom filtering/selection methods eg. df[df['A']>0], select specific row(s)/column(s) values using .ix, .iloc, .loc
  • some indexing manipulation


  • Data wizardry, doing operations that may seem like magic (some of these things can be done with less advanced tools would be slower/less efficient and require several intermediate steps, see df.unstack(), df.resample(), and df.query())
    • master of the indexing universe eg. df['weekday']=df.index.weekday, df.shift(), hierarcical indexing (melt and cast from R)
    • rolling windows
    • caterigorical-type specific operations



  • read in ./datasets/stocks.csv
  • create DF from dict with columns stock name and symbol for mapping to stocks.csv
  • slice a single month, slice and plot American Airlines stock
  • get aggregate of columns, eg. max of Apple stock in the set (Can you get the date of that price?)
  • create new columns with simple operations eg. df['AAPLnorm'] = df['AAPL'] - mean Apple price
  • write out the resulting dataframe (csv) - make sure to not include the index


  • using the babyname sets:
    • plot the popularity trend over time of a given name
    • plot the number of babies named 'George' over time (join births.csv and baby-names2.csv)
    • determine what are the most common names that are both boys and girls names
    • are there any surprising names that are given to both boys and girls?


  • using the boadband speed test set:
    • which county has the most overall tests?
    • identify the county with the fastest home internet download
    • what is the largest spread of test using lower quartile download and upper quartile download?
    • how do the business and home upload speeds covary?
    • you could also combine the states from national_county.txt to do state level analysis


  • Whatever interesting manipulations you want from the available datasets.
  • The movie_lens set may allow for the most possibility, you could try:
    • cut up genre column in the .datasets/movie_lens/movies.dat and take a look at the distribution of genres in the set or covariance between the genres
    • convert the ratings.dat to a user-movie matrix, this would be used in collaborative filtering for a recommender engine
    • identify the highest average rating across genres or all movies
    • identify the movie with the most ratings


  • stock_data.csv - stocks for AA,AAPL,GE,IBM,JNJ,MSFT,PEP,SPX,XOM for 2007-10-29 to 2011-10-14
  • baby-names2.csv and births.csv - set for analysis of name popularity from 1880 to 2008
  • broadband_speedtest.csv and national_county.txt - goverment supplied data set for broadband service across the country and state, fips, county table
  • movie_lens sets - movies with genres, ratings, and tags