
Puppet module to help manage Apt

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Apt module for Puppet


Provides helpful definitions for dealing with Apt.



Install the build depends of a specified package.

apt::builddep { "glusterfs-server": }


Force a package to be installed from a specific release. Useful when using repositories like Debian unstable in Ubuntu.

apt::force { "glusterfs-server":
	release => "unstable",
	version => '3.0.3',
	require => Apt::Source["debian_unstable"],


Add an apt pin for a certain release.

apt::pin { "karmic": priority => 700 }
apt::pin { "karmic-updates": priority => 700 }
apt::pin { "karmic-security": priority => 700 }


Add a ppa repository using add-apt-repository. Somewhat experimental.

apt::ppa { "ppa:drizzle-developers/ppa": }


Set the default apt release. Useful when using repositories like Debian unstable in Ubuntu.

apt::release { "karmic": }


Add an apt source to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.

apt::source { "debian_unstable":
  location          => "http://debian.mirror.iweb.ca/debian/",
  release           => "unstable",
  repos             => "main contrib non-free",
  required_packages => "debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring",
  key               => "55BE302B",
  key_server        => "subkeys.pgp.net",
  pin               => "-10",
  include_src       => true


Add a key to the list of keys used by apt to authenticate packages.

apt::key { "puppetlabs":
  key        => "4BD6EC30",
  key_server => "pgp.mit.edu",
apt::key { "jenkins":
  key        => "D50582E6",
  key_source => "http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key",

Note that use of the "key_source" parameter requires wget to be installed and working.


A lot of great people have contributed to this module. A somewhat current list follows.
Ben Godfrey ben.godfrey@wonga.com
Christian G. Warden cwarden@xerus.org
Dan Bode bodepd@gmail.com dan@puppetlabs.com
Garrett Honeycutt github@garretthoneycutt.com
Jeff Wallace jeff@evolvingweb.ca jeff@tjwallace.ca
Ken Barber ken@bob.sh
Matthaus Litteken matthaus@puppetlabs.com mlitteken@gmail.com
Matthias Pigulla mp@webfactory.de
Monty Taylor mordred@inaugust.com
Peter Drake pdrake@allplayers.com
Reid Vandewiele marut@cat.pdx.edu
Robert Navarro rnavarro@phiivo.com
Ryan Coleman ryan@puppetlabs.com
Scott McLeod scott.mcleod@theice.com
Spencer Krum spencer@puppetlabs.com
William Van Hevelingen blkperl@cat.pdx.edu wvan13@gmail.com
Zach Leslie zach@puppetlabs.com