Mandrill App Built with Grunt

This is a sandbox app for learning FullStackJS development
It's the also the place where I try new tools and test various frontend stuff. It's developed with AngularJS on client side and the backend part is supported with an NodeJS web server thanks to Express framework. Data are stored on Firebase database

This app is a simple Mandrill (third party emailing service) client.

Current Features

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Simple template editing
  • Template sending


  • Password Reset
  • Admin space

Quick Start

  • Clone the repo
  • Install dependencies
npm install && bower install
  • Run grunt serve
grunt serve

Grunt tasks

  • grunt serve runs Express Server in development mode
  • grunt serve:dist runs Express Server in production mode
  • grunt build builds the optimized project

Deploying on Heroku

  • cd dist
  • git add . -A
  • git commit -m "deploying..."
  • git push heroku master

For more information, see : Heroku Deploying Docs

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