
Bare-metal interrupt-driven stopwatch on STM32F439ZI, written in Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Bare-metal STM32 Project 1.5: Rusty Stopwatch

In these projects, I implement common or interesting functions using an STM32F439ZI MCU on a Nucleo-144 board, from the ground up. I do not use any Hardware Abstraction Layer or pre-written drivers. I use the cortex-m crate which provides linker scripts and startup assembly code, and the stm32f4 crate which provides direct register access.

My hand-rolled board initialization procedure can be found in a companion crate



This project 1.5 is stopwatch 2.0, re-written in Rust. My previous stopwatch project was written in C. Besides re-writing in Rust, I made the following improvements:

  • Button de-bouncing: previously the user button was associated with an interrupt on the button's rising trigger trigger. If the button bounced, the stopwatch could be started and stopped instantaneously. This time, I wrote a state machine to de-bounce the button's input in /src/button.rs taking inspiration from this explanation
  • Smaller ISRs: Previously, ISRs performed too much functionality, including rendering the display and toggling timers. Now, ISRs only set flags which are checked in the main loop and drive functionality there.
  • Static variables: Stopwatch in C used global static variables everywhere, and accessed them directly. Now, statics are moved to inside functions when possible, and otherwise are only accessed through accessor functions, making these variables easier to reason about.
  • Logical organization: instead of grouping funcionality by hardware/software feature (i.e. interrupts.c and timers.c), I have grouped Rust-stopwatch into modules according to high-level function, such as button.rs and display.rs.

Stopwatch starts counting time when the user presses the button, with a resolution of 1/100th of a second, and displays the current time on a 4-digit display. The stopwatch can be stopped and started again with the button, or reset with the reset button.

YouTube link

See the C-based repository for a detailed explanation of all the functionality within stopwatch.


Build with cargo build --target thumbv7em-none-eabihfl. To program the MCU, I use openocd and gdb. The cargo config and gdb config are included in this repository.