
Wrapper for weverse private API

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Provide credentials

See MujyKun's guide on finding your Weverse access token.

import { WeverseClient } from "weverse";

const myClient = new WeverseClient({token: 'my-access-token'})
// or
const myClient = new WeverseClient({username: 'jonah', password: 'top-secret'})


import { WeverseClient } from "weverse";

const myClient = new WeverseClient({token: 'my-access-token'})
await myClient.init({allPosts: true, allNotifications: false})

myClient.communities.forEach(community => {
    // typesafe objects with autocompletion
    const details = {
        name: community.name
        posts: community.posts.length
    // do something

Listen for new notifications

import { WeverseClient } from "weverse";

const myClient = new WeverseClient({token: 'my-access-token'})
myClient.init({allPosts: true, allNotifications: false})

myClient.on('init', async (ready) => {
    if (ready) {
        myClient.listen({listen: true, interval: 5000})

myClient.on('comment', (comment, post) => {
    // all objects are typed
    const commenter = myClient.artistById(comment.artist.id)
    const postAuthor = myClient.artistById(post.artist.id)
    console.log(`${commenter.name} commented on ${postAuthor.name}'s post!`)

myClient.on('post', (post) => {
    if (post.photos.length) {
        post.photos.forEach(photo => {


All credit to MujyKun for reverse-engineering most of the Weverse endpoints used by this module.



WeverseEmitter allows the WeverseClient to emit events and provides methods for doing so


Client for the private Weverse api


WeverseEmitter allows the WeverseClient to emit events and provides methods for doing so

Kind: global class


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
err Error The error to be emitted


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
initialized boolean whether initialization succeeded


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
notification WeverseNotification new Notification to be emitted


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
post WeversePost new Post to be emitted


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
media WeverseMedia new Media to be emitted

weverseEmitter.newComment(comment, post)

Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
comment WeverseComment the Comment that was retrieved
post WeversePost the Post associated with the Comment


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
result boolean boolean result of the login attempt


Kind: instance method of WeverseEmitter

Param Type Description
status boolean result of the poll attempt. If true, Weverse was successfully polled


Client for the private Weverse api

Kind: global class
Emits: error, init, notification, post, media, comment, login, poll

Name Type Description
communities Array.<WeverseCommunity> The communities associated with the Weverse account
artists Array.<WeverseArtist> All artists in all communities associated with the account
notifications ClientNotifications Subclass handling all notifications for the account
posts Array.<WeversePost> All posts that have been retrieved by this client

new WeverseClient(authorization, verbose)

Param Type Description
authorization WeverseAuthorization either {token: string} or {username: string, password: string}
verbose boolean optional; defaults to false

weverseClient.init(options) ⇒ Promise.<void>

init options: allPosts: boolean - Whether to load all posts from each community into memory. This will be slow allNotifications: boolean - Whether to load all notifications for the Weverse account. Will be slow. allMedia: boolean - not currently implemented

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: public

Param Type Description
options WeverseInitOptions optional


Tells the client to start or stop listening for new notifications. Options: listen: boolean - Whether the client should be listening interval: boolean - Interval in MS to listen on process: boolean (optional) - Whether new notifications should be processed into Posts/Comments/Media

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: public

Param Type
opts ListenOptions

weverseClient.checker(process) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Method passed to setInterval if client is listening for new notifications

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: protected

Param Type Description
process boolean Whether to process new notifications into Posts/Comments/Media

weverseClient.tryRefreshToken() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Attempts to use a refresh token to get a new Weverse access token

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - Whether a new access token was granted
Access: public

weverseClient.login(credentials) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Only used for password authentication. Attempts to login either with login given when the client was created, or with optional credentials parameter

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: public

Param Type Description
credentials WeversePasswordAuthorization optional, will override initial credentials

weverseClient.checkLogin() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Force a credentials check. If login has already been converted to a token, token will be checked.

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Returns: Promise.<boolean> - - whether the check was successful
Access: public

weverseClient.getCommunities(opts) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<WeverseCommunity>>

Load all communities associated with this Weverse account. Returns the communities but also adds them to the cache. Options: init: boolean - Whether this method was called by the init method and should skip the login check

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: public

Param Type Description
opts GetOptions optional

weverseClient.getCommunityArtists(c, opts) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<WeverseArtist>|null)>

Get the artists in a community. Adds them to the cache and returns. Options: init - whether this method was called by init method and the login check should be skipped

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Returns: Promise.<(Array.<WeverseArtist>|null)> - returns null if failed to fetch artists

Param Type Description
c WeverseCommunity
opts GetOptions optional

weverseClient.getNotifications(pages, process) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<WeverseNotification>|null)>

Note: If process = true, events will be emitted for new notifications AND new Posts/Comments/Media

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Returns: Promise.<(Array.<WeverseNotification>|null)> - - Returns only new notifications not already in cache, or null on failure

Param Type Description
pages number Optional number of pages to get; defaults to 1
process boolean Whether notifications should be processed into Posts/Comments/Media

weverseClient.getNewNotifications(opts) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<WeverseNotification>|null)>

Get one page of the most recent notifications

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type Description
opts NewNotifications {process: boolean} - whether to process notifications into content

weverseClient.getMedia(id, community) ⇒ Promise.<(WeverseMedia|null)>

Get a specific media object by id Will first check local cache, then request from Weverse

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Returns: Promise.<(WeverseMedia|null)> - - Returns only if media did not exist in cache

Param Type
id number
community WeverseCommunity

weverseClient.getComments(p, c, cId?) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<WeverseComment>|null)>

Gets all artist comments on a given post. Returns only new comments.

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
p WeversePost
c WeverseCommunity
cId? number

weverseClient.getPost(id, communityId) ⇒ Promise.<(WeversePost|null)>

Get one post by id. First checks the cache, then requests from Weverse.

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient
Access: public

Param Type
id number
communityId number

weverseClient.processNotification(n) ⇒ Promise.<void>

Process one notification. If it refers to a post, comment, or media, attempt to add to cache

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
n WeverseNotification

weverseClient.createLoginPayload() ⇒ void

Encrypt provided password with Weverse public RSA key and create payload to send to login endpoint Adds the payload as a property of the client, returns void

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

weverseClient.checkToken() ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

Check if the current token (provided or recieved from Weverse) is valid

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

weverseClient.handleResponse(response, url) ⇒ Promise.<boolean>

If the client receives a 401 unauthorized from Weverse, will attempt to refresh credentials

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
response AxiosResponse
url string


Log something if verbose = true

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
...vals any

weverseClient.communityById(id) ⇒ WeverseCommunity | null

Check the community hashmap for a given id

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
id number

weverseClient.artistById(id) ⇒ WeverseArtist | null

Check the artist hashmap for a given id

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
id number


Check the post hashmap for a given id

Kind: instance method of WeverseClient

Param Type
id number


Error event

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Init event Whether initialization was successful

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Notification event New notification

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Post event New post

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Media event New media

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Comment event New comment. Provides comment and post.

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Login event Result of login attempt.

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient


Poll event Result of poll attempt.

Kind: event emitted by WeverseClient