
HDate is an application to show your hobbies to the world!

Screenshot of profile page


Clone the repo, and install the dependencies using npm or yarn

npm install || yarn install


This project uses MongoDB as its database of choice. It can be easily installed on MacOS using brew and Linux using apt or yum. Here are the official guides on how to install it on any platform it is currently supported on. When you've installed MongoDB. Be sure to add the folder db/log inside the project folder, otherwise MongoDB will crash when firing it up.

Setting up .env

Copy the .env.example file inside the project folder, and fill in with your prefered data:

NODE_ENV=development # Leave this as is, you probably aren't going to run this in production
DB_HOST= # Database host (probably localhost)
DB_PORT= # Port of database instance
DB_NAME= # Database name to use
SESSION_SECRET= # Used for hashing sessions

Starting HDate

You need to execute a couple of commands in order to start the project properly.

npm run startDB || yarn startDB # Starts the database in the current folder
npm run watch || yarn watch # Compiles the client-side assets and starts the application using nodemon

Other commands

npm run start || yarn start # Compiles assets and starts the app in production mode
npm run stop || yarn stop # Stops the database and removes logs
npm run cleanup || yarn cleanup # Removes assets from assets folder and remove logs from db/log
npm run lint || yarn lint # Lints the project on errors
npm run build-watch || yarn build-watch # Watches and compiles the client-side code on change


HDate is written using Arrow functions, Async/Await and a lot of shorthand implicit stuff. This means that you may not understand the code at first.
Here are some links to reference if you're getting stuck:

The front-end of the project is written in the ES6 modules import and export style with standard function declarations.

Code of conduct to follow.