
Demo Overview

  • Multi Architecture K8s (30 seconds)
    • Node Selctors (Base tags of nodes)
    • Taints during upgrades
  • Moving Apps ( 1 min each)
    • Go
    • Node
    • Python + Wheel
  • Multi Arch builds/push (2 min)
  • Deploy all 3 apps side by side (1-2 mintues)

-- Add

  • GuardRails (Apps getting scheduled on incorrect nodes)

  • Order of apps (Common to least common?)

  • Record video ahead of time in case of internet/power out

  • Migration first, then move to builds after while engaging (Focus on Apps)

  • Call to action Graviton Challenge

  • Seed Questions?

  • Load balancing between amd/arm svc's

  • Canary story 3/1 amd vs arm