
Example application to deploy to your first EKS Anywhere cluster

Primary LanguageShellMIT No AttributionMIT-0

Hello EKS Anywhere

This is an example application you can deploy to your Amazon EKS Anywhere clusters. It is intended to verify your Kubernetes components are working well enough to deploy a stateless workload.

You can deploy the container from the main branch with

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-containers/hello-eks-anywhere/main/hello-eks-a.yaml

The pre-built container is hosted at https://gallery.ecr.aws/aws-containers/hello-eks-anywhere. And can be run locally in docker with

docker run -p 8000:80 -e POD_NAME=localhost public.ecr.aws/aws-containers/hello-eks-anywhere

The application can be verified three different ways.

Kubectl logs

kubectl get pods -l app=hello-eks-a

You can view the logs for the pod which should show the following output along with standard nginx output.


Thank you for using

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You have successfully deployed the hello-eks-a pod $POD_NAME

For more information check out


kubectl port forward

You can forward the port to your local system and access the application via a web browser or curl.

kubectl port-forward deploy/hello-eks-a 8000:80

Now you can run this command to see the same output as is printed in the logs.

curl localhost:8000

Expose the service via ingress or load balancer

You can add an external load balancer to your EKS-A cluster and access the service using an external service IP or through an ingress controller. More documentation on how to do that can be found here.