초성/중성/종성으로 분리된 한글을 합치기
$ perl jaso_hap.pl "ㄱㅛㅇㅠㄱ"
$ perl jaso_hap.pl `cat 0.txt`
$ perl jaso_hap.pl `cat 0.txt`>1.txt
$ . jaso_convert.sh
[ ~/_sh]$ perl jaso_bunri.pl "핀프라
> "
[ ~/_sh]$
[ ~/_sh]$ perl jaso_hap.pl "ㅍㅣㄴㅍㅡㄹㅏ
> "
jaso_bunri.pl은 http://mwultong.blogspot.com/2006/03/perl.html 의 내용을 수정함.
Please report bugs to nowage[at]icloud.com.
아래와 같은 에러 메세지 (perl 명령어와 함께 실행하면 문제 없음.)
[ ~/_sh]$ chmod +x ./jaso*.pl
[ ~/_sh]$ ./jaso_bunri.pl '핀프라'
Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at ./jaso_bunri.pl line 12.
ㅍㅣㄴㅍㅡㄹㅏ[ ~/_sh]$
[ ~/_sh]$ ./jaso_hap.pl '핀프라'
Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at ./jaso_hap.pl line 18.
핀프라[ ~/_sh]$
The github repository is at https://github.com/Finfra/jaso_hap.git
Some other stuff.
NamJungGu, <nowage[at]icloud.com>
(c) Copyright 2005-2014 by finfra.com
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.