
Tools and scripts for configuring multihomed routing on Linux

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Automatic routing configuration on multihomed Linux-hosts

Linux supports multihoming out of the box. However, when a Linux‐device is connected to multiple networks simultaneously, the kernel will often be unable to make use of all the different networks due to overlapping routes (typically the default routes). Configuring routing on multihomed hosts requires special care, and is in most cases not handled properly by the default set of networking/routing tools installed on a host. In this document, I will present a solution that can be used to automatically configure routing correctly on multihomed Linux hosts. The solution integrates with existing tools like NetworkManager and ifupdown, so you will in most cases be able to use the tools of your choice to configure the interface.

Comments, questions and feedback are always welcome!


  • Install the table allocator client and server, potentially update server configuration.

  • Decide how you want to configure your interface (ifupdown, NetworkManager, or something else).

  • If you use ifupdown or NetworkManager, install either if-up-script of dhclient-hook. If you use another tool for configuring the interfaces, you need to write a script (contributions are welcome!). You can probably use the existing scripts as inspiration.

  • If you use ifupdown, create stanzas for your interfaces.

  • Read the section on DNS if you want fully functional, multihomed name resolving.

  • Start the interface(s).


The work presented here was supported by the EU-funded research-project MONROE, which is building a testbed consisting of multihomed test nodes connected to different mobile broadband provides, WAN and WIFI. Up until now, a tool called multi has been used to configure routing on the hosts. While multi has done its job well and been an invaluable tool in getting MONROE up and running, it is starting to show its age and some of the choices I made when I wrote the tool is starting to be a pain to deal with. The tool was written by me during my PhD-work and since I was young(-ish), naive and over-ambitious, multi became a hybrid between a network manager and routing daemon. This resulted in stuff like implementing a small DHCP client inside the tool.

In order to support more advanced network configuration, IPv6, etc., we decided on designing and building a new routing solution for the nodes. Instead of trying to duplicate functionality available elsewhere, the new multihomed routing solution builds on as many existing components as possible. Interfaces will be configured by updating for example /etc/network/interfaces, and instead of using multi for DHCP, etc., we will instead create routing configuration scripts that will be run when a lease is acquired or interface goes down.

Routing overview

When configuring routing on multihomed hosts there are two approaches to choose from. One is to keep all routes in the same table and assign the routes belonging to different interfaces different metrics. The second is to assign each interface (address) a separate routing table, and then have a set of rules for which traffic should result in lookups in which tables. This approach is known as policy based routing and is what we have based our configuration solution on. In addition to providing a degree of separation between the different interfaces, policy based routing supports, as the name implies, implementing more advanced routing policies. One can for example configure the routing so that traffic from a container or application (on recent kernels) only trigger lookups in one routing table. In MONROE, the experiments are deployed as Docker-containers, and routing policies can be used to "bind" one container to one operator.

With our solution, three rules are created per interface (address):

  • The first rule (with priority 10000) is for traffic bound to a specific address/interfaces (a bound socket for example). Each route contains both interface and source address, so that routing will work even when there are multiple interfaces with the same address present. The rules are on the format from X/Y lookup 100. The reason for including the netmask is so that routing traffic through the node will work out of the box.

  • The second rule (with priority 20000) is for traffic destined to a network. These rules are required for routing traffic to the different networks correctly, for example required when communicating with some other equipment like a DNS server or router.

  • The third rule (with priority 91000) is the match all rule, which is used to route unbound traffic. The order of the 91000-rules depend on the order in which interfaces came up, so there is no guarantee that the current route for unbound traffic has internet connectivity. A separate tool which checks the connections and maintains an unbound traffic rule (with a higher priority than 91000) is required if this guarantee is desirable.

On my machine, the rules looks as follows:

kristrev@kristrev-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-2nd:~$ ip rule
0:	from all lookup local 
220:	from all lookup 220 
10000:	from lookup 10001 
10000:	from lookup 10000 
20000:	from all to lookup 10001 
20000:	from all to lookup 10000 
32766:	from all lookup main 
32767:	from all lookup default 
91000:	from all iif lo lookup 10001 
91000:	from all iif lo lookup 10000 

And a routing table:

kristrev@kristrev-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-2nd:~$ ip ro show table 10000
default via dev eth1 src dev eth1 scope link src 

Configuring interfaces

Interfaces can in most cases be configured using your tool of choice (for example ifupdown or through NetworkManager). If you already know how to configure your interfaces, or just trust for example NetworkManager, you can skip the rest of this section.

In order to save space on the MONROE-nodes we do not have NetworkManager installed (and we don't need it), so we chose the ifupdown-approach. Static interfaces are easy to handle, but on our hosts network interfaces are added and removed while the system is running (for example USB modems). Fortunately, /etc/network/interfaces supports "source" and "source-directory" stanzas (see man 5 interfaces), enabling the interface configuration to be split across multiple files and directories. Dynamically adding and removing files works, any changes are picked up by the ifup/ifdown tools. Our source-directory stanza is as follows:

source-directory /tmp/network-conf

Where to keep the additional configuration files and how and when to create/remove them depends on the user-case and system configuration. In MONROE, we store the configuration files in /var/run/network-conf and these files are generated/removed when interfaces are connect/disconnect. We assume that all dynamic interfaces will be configured using DHCP, so all files have the following format:

iface <ifname> inet dhcp

Table Allocator

Routing tables must be unique to each interface (address), and the role of the Table Allocator is to distribute these tables. The Allocator consists of a server and a client, and the code can be found here. A client requests a table lease for a given address family (support for v4, v6 and unspec), interface and address. If there are tables available, the server will reply with the routing table allocated to this client and the client will refresh the lease at a given interval (currently half the lease time). If a lease is not renewed or explicitly removed, then the server will automatically removed it.

There is nothing really special going on inside these applications. Communication goes over domain sockets (datagram) using abstract naming for addresses (authentication is on the todo-list) and the messages are JSON objects. The server uses sqlite3 for persistent lease storage and a bitmap for quick allocation/release, and can as of now only handle one client at a time. A single client at the time is fine for now, but is the first thing that should be fixed if (when) scalability becomes an issue.

The client will set up the three routing rules mentioned above when a table has been allocated for a v4 address (v6 is coming), and remove them (and release the lease + exit) if either address or interface is removed. If the client fails to get a lease, it will try five times (with a two second timeout between retries) before giving up. When the client gets a table lease, it will by default move to the background.

If no lease is acquired, the client will output 0 (as opposed to the allocated routing table). All the configuration scripts (next section) will interpret this as that routes should be added to the main routing table, with the interface index as metric. This is a fallback to ensure that the device has a working (albeit incorrect) routing configuration, and you should have a watchdog or something checking for default routes in the main table and take action (for example restart server).

Configuring routing

Routing is configured using shell-scripts that are run when an address is acquired/lost. Which script(s) to use depends on how you have chosen to configure your network interfaces. We currently support ifupdown and NetworkManager and our scripts are limited to IPv4 so far, but IPv6 is coming very soon (contributions are always welcome).


Static address

In order to configure routing for interfaces with a static address, we have created an ifup-script (found here). This script must be installed in /etc/network/if-up.d/ (at least on Debian/Ubuntu) and will be run every time an interface with a static IP has been set as up. Technically it will run for every interface that is set as up, but guards are in place so that unless the script is called with a static address or from NetworkManager (more about that later) it will exit immediately.

When the script is run, addresses, etc. is already assigned to the interface and routes are configured. Thus, we need to request a table from the Table Allocator and move the already added routes to the correct table. This is done in four commands, two ip -4 ro del and two ip -4 ro add. Since the Table Allocator Client is responsible for managing the rules and routes are deleted automatically when an interface is removed/we run ifdown, no if-down.d-script is needed.


Our script for use when DHCP (using dhclient) is used is implemented as a dhclient enter hook. The script can be found here and must be installed to /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/multihomed-routing (note the .sh has to be removed). We handle the BOUND, RENEW, REBIND, REBOOT, TIMEOUT, EXPIRE, FAIL, RELEASE and STOP-states. In the five first states, we configure routing much the same way as in the script used for static addresses (most of the complexity comes from handling the different DHCP states) and update our resolv-file (more about that later). In the last three states, we clean up the resolv-file.


NetworkManager will, via. one of its dispatcher scripts (/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01ifupdown on my Ubuntu-machine), run the scripts in if-up.d (and if-post-down.d). We have added a NetworkManager-path to the script mentioned under "ifupdown - Static address", so if you install this script then routing will be configured correctly when NetworkManager is used.

Note that NetworkManager has its own algorithm(s) for determining which interface should be the default interface, by setting different metrics on the default routes (and other routes) added to the main routing table. We respect these metrics and do not delete any routes from the main routing table. The 91000-rules mentioned has in other words no effect when NetworkManager is used.


Using the default resolver and code for creating/updating resolv-conf, DNS requests will either be sent to one or all servers, and you have no control over which interface/address is used to communicate with a server. If for example a server has an address outisde the network of the interface, then the default route will be used. If the default route is over a different interface than the one that acquired the server, then requests will in many cases be dropped since they have a different source address than what the server expects.

Fortunately, dnsmasq supports specifying which interface and address to be used to communicate with a server. If you want to set up DNS to work correctly, you can do the following:

  • Install dnsmasq and configure it to be the default resolver. The steps for Debian can be found here.

  • We will keep our config in a separate config file. Uncomment the last line in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, so that /etc/dnsmasq.d/*.conf is included when dnsmasq starts.

  • Copy the following file into /etc/dnsmasq.d/. You can of course call it something else.

  • We will write the DNS servers to a special dnsmasq-file, known as the servers file. Update the desired path to this file in the configuration file you just copied (servers-file).

  • So far, we only write servers that we acquire when dhclient is used. If you change the path of the servers file, update the dhclient-hook (DNSMASQ_SERVER_PATH-variable).

When an interface comes up or goes down, the servers-file is update. We also signal dnsmasq (SIGHUP), which causes the application to reload the list of available DNS servers.


ifupdown and hotplug

ifupdown does not deal very well with hotplugging. ifup is easy to solve, you for example have a tool which listens for USB connect events and does ifup or a udev rule. ifdown, on the other hand, is harder. If you try to do ifdown on a non-existent interface, you will just be told that ifdown will ignore the interface (it is unknown). However, for example dhclient and proper clean-up will not be performed. In order to work around this issue, we created a udev rule which runs a script when a remove event happens. The script stops dhclient for that interface and removes any entry from the dnsmasq servers-file. Script and rule can be found here.


By following this document, installing the tools, scripts and configuring them when needed, you should have a system which will automatically configure multihomed routing correctly. If you have any comments, questions or contributions, you can either send me an email or create an issue/PR.

This work was was funded by the H2020-project MONROE.