
🔎 A tool to help explore your app's React component usage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is this?

Proply runs through your app's JSX and allows you to explore how your React components are being used. Proply provides a standalone environment that can be used or deployed with your design system documentation.


Image of the proply interface in SparkPost's web app

Getting Started

Install proply in your app:

npm i proply@alpha

Create a proply config file named proply.config.js in the root directory of your app:

// proply.config.js
module.exports = {
  // Sets page title
  title: 'My App',

  // Glob pattern for your app's code, where component data will be sourced
  include: '/src/**/!(*.spec|*.test).js',

  // Specifies which port Proply should use
  port: 9000,

  // If provided, prepends this url to component locations and turns them into links
  locationUrl: 'https://github.com/jonambas/proply/tree/master/example',

  // Where to put proply's build
  // Defaults to "dist/proply"
  outputPath: 'dist/proply'

Add the following scripts to your npm package.json.

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "proply:start": "proply start",
  "proply:build": "proply build"

And finally, run proply

npm run proply:start
# That's it!


Proply uses typescript's compiler API to parse through your JSX.

  • Components will only be detected when explicitly rendered with JSX, ie <MyComponent />.
  • Components may not accurately represent their displayName if they are aliased or renamed.
  • Prop values that contain expressions such as variables or functions are not evaluated, but are stringified and truncated. Eg, if you use css-modules, you can filter className to include styles.css-class.
