
A budget app designed to detect your recurring expenses. Created as an educational tool, the goal is to answer: What transactions repeat?


  • Download credit card or bank statements as a CSV files (1 year)
  • Download the app from the releases tab in GitHub
  • Open the app and point at a directory or choose a file


[x] Commit to Github [x] read from path [x] read from dynamic path [x] get a list [x] map over to format our info [x] write some matching cases [x] filter by those cases into: [x] final list [x] calc the sum [x] naive matching [] Bug: Quarterly like ClearDefense is an issue......... auto insurance, break these up into "Suggestions"? [] Items that recurr only x may need to be suggested, or if they occur 4 times, [] measure first & last date, to determine months span?? Does this mean to detect over yearly... [] mark as quartlery, half yearly, yearly, etc. based on frequency [] can't assume that 2 transactions in 6 months will repeat every year [] ORDER BY ( date, amount, desc, etc.)


[] make an import function [] Make a Slider on how many must match ( 2 - 6) [] Move things out into modules [] Scrub the doc for anything like a regex of "Desc, Descript, etc. all variation"

Keyboard TODO:

[] Add | bar on the keyboard on the same place as shift [] Add & to help with borrowing [] add key for accepting copilot suggestiosn !!