ASC: Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis
In this repo., Aspect means Aspect Category or Term
- SemEval-16 restaurant
- SemEval-16 laptop
- sentihood
- Bert_Base: basic BertForSequenceClassification
- Bert_Base_rpos: only for Term Classification. Relative Position id: [200,4,3,2,1,0,0,1,2,3,4,200,200,200] 200: not sentence words including special tokens. max_seq_length value. 0 means aspect terms in sentence.
- Bert_Attention: Self Att layer for Bert intermediate hidden states (paper title)
bert_attscores.py <- it is my model which show a little bit better performance.
Additional layer to use high attention score words. Attention scores from mean of all attention heads in final self-attention layer, and use final hidden states of that words.
- Bert_AttScore: mean of top-k attention score words to classifier.
- Bert_AttScore_RNN: use bi-GRU for top-k attention score words sequential representation.
- Bert_AttScore_RNN_add: top-k attention score words and some special tokens to bi-GRU. [SEP], [CLS], [ASP words] and so on.