
Using Q-learning on a discretised version of the cart pole problem as a basic reinforcement learning implementation. In the second rendition, I will use a NN to predict Q-values on the continuous state-space (deep reinforcement learning).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Using Q-learning on a discretised version of the cart pole problem as a basic reinforcement learning implementation. In the second rendition, I use a NN to predict Q-values on the continuous state-space (deep reinforcement learning).

The result


Install requirements.txt:

cd into root directory and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

once all requirements are installed run

python3 deep_q_learning.py for the deep q-learning version

python3 discrete_q_learning.py for the discretised q-learning version

Because training is an inherently statistical process, results may vary and you may need to re-run the simulations a couple of times before you get optimal results.