
R package for ROC analysis after multiple imputation

Primary LanguageR



rocmice is an R package to work with ROC (Receiver Operating Curves) in multiply imputed data. Using multiple imputation in prediction modelling can be helpful when missingness patterns don’t follow MCAR and complete case analysis, single imputation or similar methods could seriously bias the model. Using pooled ROC and AUC makes evaluation of such models easier.


You can install the package with

# install.packages("devtools")

And then call it like any other package using



Use case

To illustrate the use of rocmice we use an especially pathological simulated data set. To learn more how it was created and what makes ROC analysis on this data set tricky, call


Notable, it contains a binary variable outcome that represents some kind of status, for example presence of a disease and a score that represents the result of some kind of predictive / diagnostic algorithm (it was calculated as invlogit(0.5 * X1 + X2 + 1.5 * X3)). This score performs worse when X4 is 1 then when it is 0.

Pooling the AUC

We can calculate the AUC for each imputation using pROC::roc on each list element, or, to make it easier, using the provided convenience function apply_roc.

# So this:
rocs1 <- list()
for (i in 1:length(patho$patho_imp)) {
  rocs1[[i]] <- pROC::roc(
    outcome ~ score, 
    data = patho$patho_imp[[i]],
    direction = ">", levels = c(0, 1)

# is pretty much equivalent to this:
rocs2 <- apply_roc(
  milist = patho$patho_imp,
  selection = "all",
  score = "score", 
  target = "outcome"

And then pool it with pool_auc_rr:

pool_auc_rr(rocs2, ci.level = 0.95, transform = "logit")
##         auc        ll        ul auc_logit var_total_logit var_between_logit
## 1 0.4749906 0.3933517 0.5579887 -0.100121      0.02749194       0.006515622
##   var_within_logit
## 1       0.01967319

Plotting the ROC curve

First we pool the ROC for the imputed data sets using pool_roc_rr:

pooled_roc <- pool_roc_rr(
    data = patho$patho_imp,
    score = "score",
    target = "outcome",
    unique_vals = NULL,
    fpr_vals = seq(from=0.001, to=0.999, by=0.001),
    backtransform = TRUE,
    ci.level = 0.95,
    corr = 0.5,
    verbose = TRUE
## Calculating TPR for every FPR: 
## ================================================================================
## Combining and pooling results.

## Calculation of confidence intervals is experimental. 
##           The lower and upper bounds that are currently supplied are simply 
##           the lower and upper bounds of the pooled TPR at a given alpha level.

Then we plot the ROC for the complete data set and the complete cases from the data set with missing values using plotROC::geom_roc and add the pooled ROC created with pool_roc_rr using ggplot::geom_step:

ggplot() + 
    data = patho$patho_complete, 
    aes(m = score, d = outcome, color = 'complete data')
    ) +
    data = patho$patho_amp, 
    aes(m = score, d = outcome, color = 'complete cases')
    ) +
    data = pooled_roc, 
    aes(fpr, roc, color = 'multiple imputation'), 
    size = 1
    ) +
  labs(x = "FPR", y = "TPR") +
  theme_minimal() +
    breaks = c(
      'complete data', 
      'complete cases', 
      'multiple imputation'
    values = c(
      'complete data'='blue', 
      'complete cases'='red', 
      'multiple imputation'='black'
    ) +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom"

It is easy to see that the ROC created from multiply imputed data closely tracks the one on a complete data set without missing values, while the one on complete cases shows an overly optimistic bias.

You can in theory create confidence intervals for the pooled ROC curve, but this functionality is experimental and currently simply creates pooled confidence intervals for each TPR value:

       aes(fpr, roc, ymin = ll_roc, ymax = ul_roc)
       ) + 
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_step(size = 1) +
  labs(x = "FPR", y = "TPR") +
  theme_minimal() +
    legend.title = element_blank(),
    legend.position = "bottom"
  ) +

Comparing the AUC between two groups

To compare the area under the curve, we rely on a modified version of Delong’s test that pools the variance of AUC1 - AUC2 within and between each imputation using Rubin’s Rules.

  data = patho$patho_imp,
  target = "outcome",
  score = "score",
  group = "X4",
  groups = c(0, 1),
  levels = c(0, 1),
  direction = "<",
  paired = FALSE
) |> 
##   delta_auc auc1  auc2 t.value p.value var.total var.within var.between  riv
## 1     0.438  0.8 0.362   4.663       0     0.094       0.09       0.003 0.04
##   lambda   fmi
## 1  0.038 0.049

Alternatively, you could rely on pROC::roc for the calculation of the ROC for each group and imputation. This results in more code and slightly longer computation time, but might be helpful if you need to access the objects for each imputation created by pROC directly.

g1 <- list()
g2 <- list()
for (i in 1:length(patho$patho_imp)) {
  g1[[i]] <- pROC::roc(
    outcome ~ score, 
    data = patho$patho_imp[[i]][patho$patho_imp[[i]]$X4 == 0, ],
    direction = "<", levels = c(0, 1)
  g2[[i]] <- pROC::roc(
    outcome ~ score, 
    data = patho$patho_imp[[i]][patho$patho_imp[[i]]$X4 == 1, ],
    direction = "<", levels = c(0, 1)
mi_roc_test(rocs1 = g1, rocs2 = g2, paired = FALSE) |> round(3)
##   delta_auc auc1  auc2 t.value p.value var.total var.within var.between  riv
## 1     0.438  0.8 0.362   4.663       0     0.094       0.09       0.003 0.04
##   lambda   fmi
## 1  0.038 0.049

Comparing the AUC for two scores

We could now rightfully decide that our score needs to be updated to account for the unfair bias against group 1. It’s obvious that the score performs much better in group 0 than group 1.

pl1 <- ggplot(patho$patho_imp[[1]], aes(score, outcome, group = factor(X4), color = factor(X4))) + 
  geom_smooth(method = 'loess', formula = 'y ~ x') +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

pl2 <- ggplot(patho$patho_imp[[1]], aes(X4, fill = factor(outcome))) + 
  geom_bar() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

ggpubr::ggarrange(pl1, pl2)

It does appear like group 1 is also several times less likely to suffer from the outcome condition, so we could incorporate that information into a new score.

calc_score2 <- function(d) {
  eta <- 0.5 * d[["X1"]] + d[["X2"]] + 1.5 * d[["X3"]] + 4 * d[["X4"]]

for (i in 1:length(patho$patho_imp)) {
  patho$patho_imp[[i]]$score2 <- calc_score2(patho$patho_imp[[i]])

If your imputed data sets are in a long format, you can use the same syntax as above. Alternatively, you can specify two score variables like below if the data sets are in wide format (like ours here):

  data = patho$patho_imp,
  target = "outcome",
  score = "score",
  score2 = "score2",
  levels = c(0, 1),
  direction = "<",
  paired = TRUE
) |> 
##   delta_auc  auc1  auc2     Z p.value var.total var.within var.between   riv
## 1      0.12 0.525 0.405 5.517       0         0          0           0 0.138
##   lambda   fmi
## 1  0.121 0.128