Just playing with Akka Streams and Alpakka AMQP connector.

Alpakka AMQP has a lovely API for declaring queues and combined with the power of Akka Streams you have a wonderful tool to manage your async messages.

There is some boring code to handle the properties and some tricks to make the retry queue work.


Akka 2.5.6 and Alpakka 0.14

Run it

To try it out first launch a rabbit Mq and connect to it. Check config in example.Main

Run it and send messages with numbers to the example queue.

sbt run

It creates the queues example, example.retry and example.archive

Negative numbers will be retried 3 times then archived.

Numbers above 10 will be handled the first time

Numbers between 0 and 10 will randomly be retried or handled,


  • Simplify using retry mechanisms in Akka and avoid the retry queue