
Run Play as an embedded application

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Play framework embedded

This is an embedded play 2.6 app. Since play 2.4 you can run play embedded in you app. This allows for a very simple streamlined way to build your RESTful API.


Just run

sbt "~re-start"

Open http://localhost:9000/greeting in your browser

You can also try http://localhost:9000/greeting?name=User

Code changes are watched, application will restart automatically after every change.

Create Uber JAR

Just run

sbt assembly

Size of the JAR 30MB. Originally 36MB for play 2.4 with scala 2.11sb

Run your server

java -jar target/scala-2.12/play-embedded-assembly-0.0.1.jar

Run test

Just run

sbt test


This example project was created after the meetup ran by Tamer Radi https://skillsmatter.com/skillscasts/7563-exploring-play-s-new-features

Play documentation




App restart after code changes is possible thanks to Spray SBT revolver



Make sure you run it with Java 8