
Small Appindicator allowing to activate scenes/moods and toggle rooms on/off

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tradfri Indicator

You can install and run the program as shown. During the first connection the script will ask for the “Security Code”, which is printed on the backside of the gateway. Further, connects will not require that code again. The IP address of the gateway will be detected automatically.

# Install
pip3 install --user git+https://github.com/jonasbb/tradfri-indicator

# Run
python3 -m tradfri_indicator


To enable autostart for the indicator create a desktop file ~/.config/autostart/tradfri-indicator.desktop with the following content.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tradfri Indicator
GenericName=Tradfri Indicator
Comment=AppIndicator which allows controling a Tradfri Gateway
Exec=python3 -m tradfri_indicator