Termito is a simple term rewriting library for clojure. It is inspired by the kibit rule system but with more features.
Add [jonase/termito 0.0.1]
to your dependencies in project.clj.
Here are some simple arithmetic rules:
(defrules zero-rules
[(* 0 ?x) 0])
(defrules identity-rules
[(* 1 ?x) ?x]
[(+ 0 ?x) ?x])
(def rules (concat zero-rules
(simplify '(+ (* 0 x) (* 1 y)) rules)
;; => y
More advanced examples can be found in src/termito/examples. For example, combining the arithmetic rules with the following derivative rules
(defrules derivative-rules
[(D (pow ?x ?n) ?x) (* ?n (pow ?x (- ?n 1)))]
[(D (* ?a (pow ?x ?n)) ?x) (* ?a (D (pow ?x ?n) ?x))])
termito can solve simple math problems like "what is the second derivative of 5x^3":
=> (simplify '(D (D (* 5 (pow x 3)) x) x)
(concat arithmetic/rules derivative-rules)))
(* 30 x)
Copyright © 2013 Jonas Enlund
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.