
Create PlantUML sequence charts from Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Create PlantUML sequence diagrams programmatically from Python.

The basic example of the PlantUML Documentation can be implemented with the following Python script:

from plantuml_sequence import Diagram

with open("my-diagram.puml", "w") as file, Diagram(file) as sequence:
        sequence.message("Alice", "Bob", "Authentication Request")
        .message("Bob", "Alice", "Authentication Response", arrow_style="-->")
        .message("Alice", "Bob", "Another authentication Request")
        .message("Alice", "Bob", "Another authentication Response", arrow_style="<--")

Its output inside my-diagram.puml is:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response

This file be compiled to an image using the plantuml command-line or a online server. See the PlantUML documentation for more details.

Read the documentation on ReadTheDocs!

Installation and supported Python versions

pip install plantuml-sequence

Python 3.10+ is supported

Supported PlantUML features

Not all of the features of message sequence charts are supported yet. See the list of implemented features below.


  • Use teoz renderer


  • Declaring participants
  • Multiline participants
  • Create participant with message
  • Lifeline activation / deactivation
  • Lifeline auto-activate
  • Participants encompass (Box around participants)
  • Remove foot boxes


  • Messages
  • Basic autonumber message numbering
  • Advanced auto numbering
    • autonumber formats
    • autonumber sequence increments
  • Hide unlinked participants
  • Mainframe


  • Different note shapes (note, hnote, rnote)
  • Notes on messages
  • Notes over / left / right of lifelines
  • Notes across all participants
  • Multiple notes at the same level


  • Basic message grouping
  • alt / else groups
  • Divider
  • Reference
  • Delay
  • Space


  • Colored groups
  • Arrow style change
    • Standard arrow styles
    • Short arrows
  • Slanted arrows
  • Styling changes using the skinparam command


Currently no preprocessing features are planned to be supported

  • Variable definition
  • Boolean expression
  • Conditions
  • While loops
  • Procedures & functions blocks
  • Include directive
  • Memory dump
  • Assertions