Athena Framework - DoorController v3
- Build on the Athena Framework <3s
- Completly manage doors ingame, add, remove, read data, change lockstates
- GTA V default doors will be automatically found. No need to search through Codewalker. All door props should be inside of the doors-props.json.
- Full Database Integration. No Hardcoded .ts files or either JSON Lists.
- Integrated database Keys (changeable locks soon.)
- Configurable to your likings for example disableTextlabel, set range for all Labels, custom collection and more.
Setup - General
Just import the stuff from AthenaDoorController_Client in a new folder here -> src/core/client-plugins/AthenaDoorController
Import the stuff from AthenaDoorController_Server in a new folder here -> src/core/plugins/AthenaDoorController
Setup (MongoDB)
- Add a new collection in your MongoDB Compass call it 'doors-props', add "doors-props" there. Just import the Database File i've added here. Key to open the Vue Menu is ","
Setup Vue / Athena Page
- Go to /src-webivews/pages and create a new Folder called "DoorController" in there.
- Copy the DoorController.vue file of the repos Webview folder inside of that folder.
- Add to components.ts (src-webviews/) -> import DoorController from './DoorController/DoorController.vue';
- Add to components.ts (src-webviews/) -> DoorController: shallowRef(DoorController)
##Imports Server/Client
// Imports on plugin/imports.ts
import './AthenaDoorController/index';
// Imports on client-plugins/import.ts
import './AthenaDoorController/index';
import './AthenaDoorController/src/doors-vue';
import './AthenaDoorController/src/client-events-vue';
import './AthenaDoorController/src/client-functions';
import './AthenaDoorController/src/client-streamer';
import './AthenaDoorController/src/client-events';
Events - Scripting - Not available yet.
// Clientside Events
// Serverside Events
// Vue To Client Events
// Client To Client Events
// Server To Server Events
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