
How to package a SpringBoot App with JDKs standard javapackager

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springboot2exe - How to package a SpringBoot App with JDKs standard javapackager

If you ever happen to ask yourself how to package your Spring Boot App as an .exe File for running in Windows (could that possibly happen :P ?!), then maybe the standard Oracle JDK javapackager could be something for you.

This is a simple example project to show how this is done

0. Build your Spring Boot App

Clearly, if you want to package a Spring Boot app, you need one first. Start on spring initializr or simply take this project :)

1. Be sure to run all that on a Windows Box!

It seems to be simple - but all those steps only run on a Windows Machine or VM and will fail on your Mac or Ubuntu :) So fire up one!

2. You just need a Standard Java-JDK-Installation

javapackager will be included in your jdk_xxx\bin Folder

3. Install current Inno Setup release

All the packaging is done through the freeware Inno Setup installer for Windows programs - javapackager builds upon it, when creating an exe-File. Get the latest version here and be sure to have administrative rights! Refrain from just installing it on some machine, packaging the resulting Folder under C:\Program Files into a .zip and copy it to another Windows Box -> This will not work! You would get error messages, that are quite confusing like:

Bundler EXE Installer skipped because of a configuration problem: Main application jar is missing. javapackager deploy exe
Advice to fix: Make sure to use fx:jar task to create main application jar javapackager

...which will point you in a complete false direction! This is one of the worst error messages I have ever seen :P I just got through to this, by stumbling upon this blog post´s comments

4. do a normal Maven build

mvn clean package

5. execute javapackager inside your target-Folder, where your Spring boot fat.jar was build

With our project, the command is something like this:

javapackager -deploy -native exe -outdir ./executable -srcfiles springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -outfile springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -name springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT -title "Spring Boot 2 .exe" -appclass org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher -v

The -appclass is not your Application.class with the main in it! You need to pick Spring Boot´s org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher

6. Install target/executable/springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.exe

You´ll find a springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.exe inside your target/executable/bundles folder - install it and it will create a folder inside of C:\Users\YourUserHere\AppData\Local\JarLauncher, where the runtime folder holds a JRE and the app folder contains your fat.jar.

7. Start springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Start C:\Users\YourUserHere\AppData\Local\JarLauncher\springboot2exe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.exe - it´s named the same like the installer, but it´s the actual runnable .exe File you wanted. Just take a look inside your Windows Taskmanager:


More things to do

You need a MacOS DMG?

javapackager is also capable of packaging DMG Files - read this post or google it :)