It's used to quickly scaffold a theme for hexo. The theme it creates is fully functional and has no design. That part is up to you!
It creates all of the necessary files you need to make your own theme within an existing hexo.js project.
You will be prompted for:
- Theme name?
- Stylesheet language?
- Stylus
- scss
- sass
- less
- css
- Template language?
- Jade
- Swig
- Use hexo plugins directory? (yes/no)
- Bower? (yes/no)
npm install -g generator-hexo-theme
Create a new hexo app using hexo-cli.
mkdir projectName && cd projectName
hexo init
Navigate to the directory you want to place the theme project in (most likely themes/
mkdir mytheme && cd mytheme
yo hexo-theme
- Check main blog
- Set theme property to your theme name, activating this theme
- Check theme-specific
- Change menu items if needed
- Change stylesheet and js list if needed
To start the server go back to the root of your hexo project and run hexo server --debug
Please post any ideas to issues. If you know how to use any of the technologies it generates better than me there are places, especially in the templates, where it could be improved by you! Pull requests welcome.
It might be necessary to goto the blog root and install a specific renderer for the template language you have chosen. Swig is built into Hexo at the current version.
npm install hexo-renderer-jade
npm install hexo-renderer-ejs
- hexo static site generator
- Yeoman scaffolding tool
- Bower package manager
- EditorConfig