- checkout main
- pull the latest changes
- create your own branch in the git-intro repo
- find the latest commit in the log
- look at the latest commit (including the changes)
- create a textfile and enter something into it
- commit that file with a (meaningful ;) ) message
- find the commit in the log/history and look at the author etc
- change the textfile
- commit the changes
- change the textfile again
- amend the previous commit
- push your changes to the remote
- checkout main
- create yet another branch
- create a textfile with the same name but add different content
- commit it and push the branch to the remote
- go back to your first branch
- rebase the second branch and push the changes to the remote (merge conflict should happen, solve it ;) )
- do it again and rebase interactively
- what commits do you see listed and why?
- checkout main
- pull the latest changes
- create your own branch in the git-intro repo
- find the latest commit in the log
- look at the latest commit (including the changes)
- create a textfile and enter something into it
- commit that file with a (meaningful ;) ) message
- find the commit in the log/history and look at the author etc
- change the textfile
- commit the changes
- change the textfile again
- amend the previous commit
- push your changes to the remote
- checkout main
- create yet another branch
- create a textfile with the same name but add different content
- commit it and push the branch to the remote
- go back to your first branch
- merge the second branch and push the changes to the remote (merge conflict should happen, solve it ;) )
Explain in pseudo code (that is: text) what is happening when a commit created
How is a commit stored?
Explain in pseudo code (that is: text) what is happening when you checkout a different branch
Does it matter on which branch git fetch is called? What commands are independent from the branch they are called on?
What params does fetch take?
What is a remote?
Why is there the branch dev and origin/dev?
What branch gets updated by fetch and what by pull?
How do you undo a change to a file?
How do you switch a branch?
Show the content of the last commit
Show the history and read the last 3 commit hashes
Show the content of the previous commit
Show the content of the 3rd-previous commit
Show all branches
Show all branches including remote branches
Create a local branch from a remote branch
Checkout a commit from the history
Create a branch from the 3rd-previous commit
Remove a commit but leave the file changes there
- Show the file changes
- Commit only a part of the file changes
- Remove the other file changes
Cherry-pick a commit to a new branch
Move a commit to a new branch
- branch: split-me-into-two
- Move change from test2.txt to "another-branch"
- How does the history of another-branch look like
- Move change from test.txt to "another-branch-2"
- How does the history of another-branch-2 look like?
Resolve merge conflict
- branch: branch-with-conflict
- Merge branch merge-me-softly
- Keep all changes
Undo a merge
- branch: branch-with-merge
- Revert the merge from merge-me-softly