
Send content from console/file to GitHub gist

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Gist It!

Gist It is an application to create gists from console. It allows to create gist from input (ie, git diff | gistit) or from a specific file (ie, gistit file.txt).


If you are using Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libcurl3 libjansson4

If you are using Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S curl jansson

If you are using OS X with homebrew

brew install gistit


# Creating a public gist from other app response
ls | gistit

# Creating a private gist from other app response
ls | gistit -priv

# Specifying the gist filename
ls | gistit -i list.txt

# Sending files
gistit file.txt

# Sending multiple files in a private gist
gistit -priv file1.txt file2.c

# Setting gist description
gistit -d "This is just a sample" sample.txt

# Setting gist description, private and with multiple files
gistit -d "Sample" -priv file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

# Help
gistit -h

# Version
gistit -v

By default the gistit create the GitHub Gist as anonymous, but you can configure to associate with your account. See instructions on [http://gistit.herokuapp.com/].


# Install cURL
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

# Install jansson
sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev

make install

Web Application

The web application uses node.js. To run, it requires two environment variables:

  • GITHUB_CLIENT_ID It contains the client ID of GitHub application
  • GITHUB_SECRET_KEY It contains the secret key of GitHub application


The web application can be deployed easily to heroku.

  • Create the application: heroku create <APPLICATION_NAME>
  • Push the code: git push heroku master
  • Set the GitHub application information: heroku config:add GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<CLIENT_ID> and heroku config:add GITHUB_SECRET_KEY=<SECRET_KEY>