
a statistics project on sleep deprivation

Primary LanguageHTML


A statistics project on sleep deprivation.


For this project we use R for all statistical analysis. Within R the use of packages from the Tidyverse package collection is prefered for data wrangling, analysis and visualization.

Reports are written in R Notebooks using R Markdown.

Additional documentation (like this document) are written in normal Markdown

Style guide

To make R code look uniform (and therefore readable) you should try to adhere to the Tidyverse styleguide

basics git workflow

To work on this project on your own machine you should clone it

git clone https://github.com/jonasjonker/sleep-deprivation.git

If you want to change a file in this project it is generally a good idea to: create a new branch, start working in that branch, make/change files, and then send a pull request. After code review the changes can be merged into the master branch. Since this project is quite small, you should feel free to just add new files direclty to the master branch if you don't want your code reviewed.

So step by step the procedure should be:

make a new branch
# make a new branch
git branch <branch_name>

# change the branch you are working in
git checkout <branch_name>

### add, remove, change things to some file(s)

# add and commit files
git add <file_name>
git add .              # all changed files at once
git commit -m "short descriptive message"

# push files to origin (or to another remote)
git push origin <branch_name>

### repeat add, commit push cycle until happy with result

### go to github page and click on "create pull request" to add your files to the master branch.

Some usefull commands

# check if there are files that need adding or committing
git status

# get changes with original
git fetch

# show differences between your file(s) and the original
git diff <branch_name> origin/<branch_name>

# check for changes in original and update your files
git pull


Taks on lasta meeting: 1.Dris Spaghetti plot Box plot Summary

2.Maria Mean Evolution Correlation Regression per person

3.Biana Between subject variability

4.Alexandra Fitting the model - with REML

5.Nina Testing fixed effects - with bootstrap likelihood ratio test with anova

6.Laura/Nina OLS vs LMM estimates

7.Ben Full model + conclusion

  1. Jonas In the report: fix the TODOS and make it fit in 10 pages max