In this work we prove that BN layers effectively prevent the input output mapping of deep neural networks to deteriorate to a rank one mapping.
The code supplied alongside our submission can reproduce all figures from the main text.
Package requirements: numpy, torch, torchvision, python 3, ipython, jupyter, pickle,seaborn, panda, sys, getopt, CUDA. Furthermore, access to GPUs is needed for running the code.
Running the code:
- To produce the result of Fig.1, one needs to run first and then plot the results by running plotting_fig_1.ipynp using jupyter.
- Fig. 2, 3 and 6 are straightforward to run directly within the Jupyter notebook.
- For Fig. 4, runs SGD on a BN-net and runs our pertaining method to produce the result of Fig. 4. To run the code you need to type "python #num_layers" in the terminal where #num_layers is the number of hidden layers in the network. Similarly, you can run pre-training method by "python #num_layers". The outputs of these codes are lists containing training loss in different epochs for 5 independent runs. The output is saved in result_bn_(#num_layer).npy, result_our_(#num_layer)loss.npy, result_our(#num_layer), and result_our(#num_layer)_test_loss.npy
- Instructions for running Figure 5 are provided in code_fig_5/readme